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jannisl started following MarkupSimpleNavigation , Fieldtype like Bard from Statamic , Jumplinks and 4 others
Hey guys, I found something incredible. Look at this new fieldtype from the CMS Statamic: https://statamic.com/blog/statamic-2.8 It is called Bard and combines the Repeater Matrix with an normal textfield. I think this is a really good way to edit long text. It would be awesome if Processwire could get an similar fieldtype. What do you think? Jannis
Hey guys, the jumplinks from "www.domain.com/index.php/something/" doesn´t get redirected to "www.domain.com/something/" and this is the reason why I can´t create Jumplinks for links with "index.php/" inside. Did I understand something wrong? Thanks, jannisl
I have a big problem. I installed Jumplinks and know my css, js and images don´t load anymore. I installed Processwire to a subdomain and now they redirect every request to the main domain. So no image can be found. How can I solve it quickly? A uninstall didn´t work. //Was a different problem and not related to the module.
Module: AIOM+ (All In One Minify) for CSS, LESS, JS and HTML
jannisl replied to David Karich's topic in Modules/Plugins
I have the same problem. This is the error in Chrome: [Deprecation] Resource requests whose URLs contained both removed whitespace (`\n`, `\r`, `\t`) characters and less-than characters (`<`) are blocked. Please remove newlines and encode less-than characters from places like element attribute values in order to load these resources. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5735596811091968 for more details. Does anybody know how to fix this? //Solution found: Change the code in "AllInOneMinify.module" in line 713 to: $_timestamp = ((int)$_timestamp + $file['last_modified']); -
Yes, this was problem. Thanks for help!!
Hey guys, I never had problems with PW but now I have a strange problem with frequent logout issues. As an example: When I click in the CKEditor at the Image Button then Processwire asks me to login. What I tried: $config->sessionFingerprint = false; $config->sessionFingerprint = 8; Session Handler Database I don´t know how to solve the problem. This is what phpinfo() outputs: Directive Local Value Master Value session.auto_start Off Off session.cache_expire 180 180 session.cache_limiter nocache nocache session.cookie_domain no value no value session.cookie_httponly On Off session.cookie_lifetime 0 0 session.cookie_path / / session.cookie_secure Off Off session.entropy_file /dev/urandom /dev/urandom session.entropy_length 32 32 session.gc_divisor 1000 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime 86400 1440 session.gc_probability 0 0 session.hash_bits_per_character 5 5 session.hash_function 0 0 session.lazy_write On On session.name wire PHPSESSID session.referer_check no value no value session.save_handler user files session.save_path /var/lib/php/sessions /var/lib/php/sessions session.serialize_handler php php session.upload_progress.cleanup On On session.upload_progress.enabled On On session.upload_progress.freq 1% 1% session.upload_progress.min_freq 1 1 session.upload_progress.name PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS session.upload_progress.prefix upload_progress_ upload_progress_ session.use_cookies On On session.use_only_cookies On On session.use_strict_mode Off Off session.use_trans_sid 0 0 Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem? I already updated PW but it didn´t help.
Hey guys, I am working on a Visual Studio Code Extension which contains snippets for the Processwire API. You can see my WIP in my repository: https://github.com/jleifeld/Processwire-API-Snippets-for-Visual-Studio-Code It is much work to do everything by hand. Is there a database for the api which contain the same documentation as in the PW cheatsheet? This would make the work easier and faster for me. Thanks, Jannis
Nice tutorials! I love to see more Processwire stuff in Germany. It would be nice if you could make a screencast in which you compare PW to other CMS systems and why it is (in the most cases) better for developers and clients than other CMS systems. Jannis
This is the code how you would write for Pagekit CMS. I found it in a PagekitTheme. It should look very similiar in Processwire. Maybe you could change the code so that it works in Processwire. <?php if ($root->getDepth() === 0) : ?> <ul class="uk-navbar-nav"> <?php endif ?> <?php foreach ($root->getChildren() as $node) : ?> <li class="<?= $node->hasChildren() ? 'uk-parent' : '' ?><?= $node->get('active') ? ' uk-active' : '' ?>" <?= ($root->getDepth() === 0 && $node->hasChildren()) ? 'data-uk-dropdown':'' ?>> <a href="<?= $node->getUrl() ?>"><?= $node->title ?></a> <?php if ($node->hasChildren()) : ?> <?php if ($root->getDepth() === 0) : ?> <div class="uk-dropdown uk-dropdown-navbar"> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($root->getDepth() === 0) : ?> <ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-navbar"> <?php elseif ($root->getDepth() === 1) : ?> <ul class="uk-nav-sub"> <?php else : ?> <ul> <?php endif ?> <?= $view->render('menu-navbar.php', ['root' => $node]) ?> </ul> <?php if ($root->getDepth() === 0) : ?> </div> <?php endif ?> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endforeach ?> <?php if ($root->getDepth() === 0) : ?> </ul> <?php endif ?> As an example: Instead of "$node->hasChildren()" you could write "$node->numChildren(true)". Look at this navbar: https://github.com/jchampemont/homepage-processwire/blob/master/_navbar.php It is for Bootstrap but the logic is the same. Just add another div. And you don´t need to use the root. I think that the MenuBuilder Module creates an array which you can use.
Wow, this is quick help! I tried the code from flydev and it works perfect! Thanks for the quick help!
Hey guys, first I want to say thanks for the best cms system ever! Great job! And I love the comment system. It works great for me. But does anybody have a idea how I can echo two different versions depending on the input fields? This is my code now: <div class="content <?php if($page->isHeader == 0){echo "extraPadding";}?>"> <?php // comment form echo $page->guestbook->renderForm(array( 'headline' => "<h2>Ihr Gästebucheintrag:</h2>", 'successMessage' => "<p class='success'>Dankschön! Ihr Eintrag wurde erfolgreich gespeichert!</p>", 'errorMessage' => "<p class='error'>Leider gab es einen Fehler. Wahrscheinlich wurde ein Feld nicht ausgefüllt.</p>", 'processInput' => true, 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'attrs' => array( 'id' => 'CommentForm', 'action' => './', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => '', 'rows' => 5, 'cols' => 50, ), 'labels' => array( 'cite' => 'Name', 'email' => 'E-Mail', 'website' => 'Homepage', 'text' => 'Gästebucheintrag', 'submit' => 'Veröffentlichen', ), // the name of a field that must be set (and have any non-blank value), typically set in Javascript to keep out spammers // to use it, YOU must set this with a <input hidden> field from your own javascript, somewhere in the form 'requireSecurityField' => '', // not used by default )); // comments output echo $page->guestbook->render(array( 'headline' => '<h2>Einträge</h2>', 'commentHeader' => 'Geschrieben von <a href="{website}">{cite}</a> am {created}', 'dateFormat' => 'd/m/Y', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'admin' => false, // shows unapproved comments if true )); ?> </div> The website of the comment author should only be a link if they have a website. Something like this: If (website == nothing){ 'commentHeader' => 'Geschrieben von {cite} am {created}' } else { 'commentHeader' => 'Geschrieben von <a href="{website}">{cite}</a> am {created}' } How can I do this? Jannis
Thanks HannaP, this should work. But I find now another way to solve it. Still thanks!
Hey kongondo, this plugin is amazing! Is it possible to output something like this: <a href="#" onclick="return false">Menu Link</a> I want to add the "onclick" event. I hope you can help me, thanks Jannis.
Hey guys, I love this plugin. It works almost perfect for me. But I have a little question. I want that the parents don´t have a link. This is my markup now: <nav> <a href="<?=$config->urls->root; ?>" id="home">Von der Berkelaue</a> <?php $treeMenu = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // Modul laden $options = array( 'max_levels' => 2, 'show_root' => true, 'outer_tpl' => '<ul id="menu">||</ul>', 'inner_tpl' => '<ul>||</ul>', 'list_tpl' => '<li%s>||</li>', 'item_tpl' => '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>', 'item_current_tpl' => '<a href="{url}" class="active">{title}</a>', 'debug' => true, 'selector' => 'template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/', ); echo $treeMenu->render($options); // Navigation rendern ?> </nav> And this is my output: <ul id="menu"> <li class="current"><a href="/" class="active">Startseite</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/aktuelles/">Aktuelles</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li class="has_children"><a href="/uber-uns/">Über uns</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> <ul> <li><a href="/uber-uns/familie/">Familie</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/uber-uns/unsere-hunde/">Unsere Landseer</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/wurfplanung/">Wurfplanung</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li class="has_children"><a href="/wurfe/">Würfe</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> <ul> <li><a href="/wurfe/wurfplanung/">A-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/b-wurf/">B-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/c-wurf/">C-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/d-wurf/">D-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/e-wurf/">E-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/f-wurf/">F-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/g-wurf/">G-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/galerie/">Galerie</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/gastebuch/">Gästebuch</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/links/">Links</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/kontakt/">Kontakt</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> <!-- [MarkupSimpleNavigation Rendertime: 0.0366] --> </nav> And it should look like this: <ul id="menu"> <li class="current"><a href="/" class="active">Startseite</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/aktuelles/">Aktuelles</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li class="has_children"><a href="#">Über uns</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> <ul> <li><a href="/uber-uns/familie/">Familie</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/uber-uns/unsere-hunde/">Unsere Landseer</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/wurfplanung/">Wurfplanung</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li class="has_children"><a href="#">Würfe</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> <ul> <li><a href="/wurfe/wurfplanung/">A-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/b-wurf/">B-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/c-wurf/">C-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/d-wurf/">D-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/e-wurf/">E-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/f-wurf/">F-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/wurfe/g-wurf/">G-Wurf</a> <!-- [Selector Level2: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/galerie/">Galerie</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/gastebuch/">Gästebuch</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/links/">Links</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> <li><a href="/kontakt/">Kontakt</a> <!-- [Selector Level1: template!=aktuelles-eintrag, has_parent!=/galerie/] --> </li> </ul> <!-- [MarkupSimpleNavigation Rendertime: 0.0366] --> </nav> I hope you understand my problem. My english isn´t very good Thanks, Jannis