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Everything posted by ryanscherler

  1. I was wondering if it's possible to sort user images via the API. I have added an 'images' custom field to the user template and am creating an outside login for artists (users with PW role 'artist') to edit their profile. This involves allowing them to upload images into their 'gallery' and sort them (via drag-n-drop) once uploaded. I was hoping there was some sort of 'sort' field that I could update via the API, but no luck there. I looked into how the admin allows this functionality and it's a bit over my head digging in the images field module. Any help would be greatly appreciated! - Ryan
  2. Hah! - I should have realized I could select users instead of just pages in the site tree. Thanks!
  3. Does anybody know if there is a module / fieldtype to generate a dropdown menu for a specified list of users for a given 'role'. This would be handy to assign a page specifically to a user. This would be handy when using the API on an external form (e.g. a non-CMS user) could list/edit/update their related page(s).
  4. The form builder is working as expected (awesome!), until I actually submit the form when I get this error message while logged in as superuser (I am running PW 2.0): Exception: New page '/support/support-ticket/0/' must be saved before files can be accessed from it (in [root]/.../.../wire/core/PagefilesManager.php line 100)
  5. Hey Ryan, Thanks for the writeup on the comments API for processwire. Is this going to make it into the main API documentation? Talk soon!
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