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  1. Hello, kongondo! Thank you for your quick reply! I'll check out the module you've mentioned. However, your tags notice gave me a thought: I could use tags as a description, since there's just a list of statuses! This might not be a proper-kind solution but it perfecly fits my task Added later: Uhm, it's not the way I thought the tags are If the were used for each image in array it'd worked out, but they aren't. I'll try this module now Even later: Yeap, the module is just what I need. Thanks!
  2. Hello guys. I am new to ProcessWire and I'm dealing now with the next: I need an image array with three properties: the image itself description and the image title ProcessWire by deafult provides me everything but the title. So I'm wondering what would be the right way to add the title property?
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