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Posts posted by grigorisk

  1. On 9/8/2016 at 1:32 PM, dab said:

    Yes, change lines 165 & 166 in MarkupLoadRSS.module to to

    'stripTags' => false,             // Strip any markup tags that appear in the feed? (default: true)
    'encodeEntities' => false,         // Whether to automatically decode and re-encode the entities for all fields (default: true)

    Works a treat :-)!

    It does not work for images in my site

    any suggestions? 

  2. hi!
    i'm trying to get the label of my field that i use in two templates with different name.
    so i'm trying to get the label through the template.
    so my code is
    echo $templates->get("home")->fieldgroup->get("text")->label;

    but it gives me the general field label not that i'm using for the home template

    any idea?
  3. thanks @gebeer


    if anyone wants to do something like that
    you have to add the gebeer code (without function in my case)
    and just put this in find selector:
    $articles = $pages->find("date>=$first, date<$last, parent=[name=blog], sort=date");
    • Like 1
  4. hi!
    i have a question about find page
    when i try to find a page with a value in an input field i take the right results but if i try to make the same with an input date field it not work as i want

    i have two variables so my search is like this:


                    if($articlecat!="" && $searchdate!=""){
    		  $articles = $pages->find("date%=$searchdate, articleCat%=$articlecat, parent=[name=blog]");
    		}elseif($articlecat=="" && $searchdate!="") {
    		  $articles = $pages->find("date%=$searchdate, parent=[name=blog]");
    		}elseif ($articlecat!="" && $searchdate==""){
    		  $articles = $pages->find("articleCat%=$articlecat, parent=[name=blog]");
    		}else {
    		  $articles = $pages->find("parent=[name=blog]");

    this working great for tag field (articleCat) but it's not working for date field (date)

    the string in $date has this format: January-2016 and in my pages has this format: 12-January-2016
    so i want to take all the pages that has January-2016 on their date field

    can you help me?

  5. hi!
    i'm trying to create a child for my page in form submit via ajax but i have this error

    "Fatal error: Class 'Page' not found in /home/chaniataxi/public_html/site/templates/insertReservations.php on line 4"

    the code in insertReservations.php is

    $p = new Page(); // create new page object // <--line 4
    $p->template = 'insertReservations'; // set template
    $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/my-reservations/'); // set the parent
    $p->name = $name."-".$sname.'reservation'; // give it a name used in the url for the page
    $p->title = 'Νέα κράτηση στο όνομα'.$name." ".$sname; // set page title (not neccessary but recommended)
    // added by Ryan: save page in preparation for adding files (#1)
    same with soma's code

    i create a template for insertReservations.php with name insertReservations

    my processwire version is 2.6.1

    did anyone know why i have that error?
  6. Hi!
    i have a question about page language url

    i have a site with 2 language, default and greek.

    so in my home i set empty the language field for my default language and el (/el/) for my second language.

    so if i want to navigate from my default lang page to other lang page i just put the /el/ after my domain.

    my problem is that i want to get the page language url (el/ , en/, de/...)
    but i can't find the right syntax of $user->language to get it

    i try $lang = $user->language->name; but i get the name of my lang,

    i try $lang = $user->language->id; but i get a number (the id of my lang),

    can anyone tell me if i can get the /el/ using the above syntax?

  7. i try both but nothing...

    my page tree is (i can't upload image so i'll describe it...)

    pricing (my parent page)

         heraklion (1st child)
                heraklion pricelist1(1st child of heraklion)

         Chania (2nd child)
               chania pricelist1(1st child of chania)
               chania pricelist2(2nd child of chania)



    and i want to get all the children of the pricing page (heraklion, heraklion pricelist, chania, chania pricelist,....) if their checkbox is checked

  8. hi i want to post variables to a page via ajax to get result from my database depenting my post value
    so my ajax is:

    var clickval = clickelement.value;
    var dataval = "city=" + clickval;
    type: 'POST',
    url: "*MY PAGE SMART URL*", // e.g. http://my_domain/my_page....
    data: dataval,
    dataType: 'text', //or json, i try both
    complete: function(data, status){

    and in php page: 

    $getcity = $input->post->city;
    echo "value = ".$getcity;

    just to show my post value...
    and my alert is "value = ".
    $getcity is empty and $input has no value inside and it seems like post is never be done, but i have no error in my console...
    can anyone help me?

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