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  1. It worked without quotes as well, bit gives a notice when you turn on Debugging. The path is also correct. Looks like I just have to ask the user to copy the file.
  2. Can I raise the permissions for PHP inside a module? It wouldn't make much sense if the user has to do it vimself.
  3. Hello, I'm building a module which needs to copy a template file from its module directory to /templates/default/. I'm using copy(source, dest) and I don't even get an error message with active debugging. Just nothing happens. I assume there is some kind of permission problem, but I don't know where to start with that, since I'm not very familiar with Linux (the server runs apache2 on it). Thank you for any help! This is what I'm using for tests the ___install() function of the module: $path = wire(config)->paths->siteModules.'fma-helper/'; copy($path.'_head_metadata.php', $path.'testtesttest.php')
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