Edit This was the second time I had a hard time debugging a mysterious "processwire error". My lesson:
I will keep in mind that there are circumstances when neither pw, php nor the server software can give me appropriate error messages or log entries.
So first thing if firefox tells me 'Unable to complete this request due to an error' next time will be checking config.php for syntax errors
$ php -l site/config.php
and if I get an empty server response because of an apache segfault like "The connection was reset" (http) or "Secure Connection Failed" (https) I'll very carefully check all my own code in site/templates. If necessary, by disabling and re-enabling script by script.
Found my stupid error. It was in this little function in _func.php that should retrieve the second level parent of a page:
function getsubpar($page){
$parid = $page->parent->id;
## if($parid == 1){ ##### WRONG! CAUSES APACHE SEGFAULT
if($parid <= 1){
return $page;
}else {
$subpar = getsubpar($page->parent);
return $subpar;
With parent id 0 it would recurse forever. Can't expect error messages from a crashed Apache module. Still strange the crash happened exactly at this line in TemplateFile.php
There might be a better way to get these subparents, but pw is working again, problem solved.