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  1. I know a bit about the rdfa side but totally lacking the developer side of things!
  2. Yes, I was going to ask Adam to show me in which way TinyMCE can handle rdfa because I know of none. And yes I understand that ProcessWire does not generate mark up. And I believe it doesn't have to in order embed the rdfa output into the html. It just needs to know where to output. Say that rdfa output could be achieved through a plugin. The plugin could be used to inject the namspaces into the doctype. And where you have a headline field, the plugin would inject rdfa attributes and so on. The markup is completely left up the you. I understand that you could add rdfa attributes to the markup yourself but I think a plugin that automatically injects rdfa attributes based on the context of the fields used in a template is a good idea. That would probably call for specific fields to used for specific types of data i.e. dedicated fields for title/headline, creator/author, post date, body, image and so forth. This is somewhat how plugins for wordpress and drupal handle rdfa. Drupal 7 have rdfa natively (as a plugin). The problem with those cms is that you HAVE to do things there way and they generate markup instead of letting you create your own. The one thing that draws me to this cms is the ability to control the way your site functions and generates its markup. But I do believe a little automation in the form of plugins can help end users.
  3. A way to automatically embed RDF (RDFa) in mark-up. Web semantics is the future of the web and to me native RDFa support is something that could help push PW2 into the forefront. Google is consuming it where it finds it, using it to generate more accurate and relevant search results. Best Buy is now famous for having enjoyed a 30% increase in sales since incorporating RDFa into their online shopping site.
  4. Yes can you provide examples. My needs are for a dedicated and intuitive way to categorize and subcategorize content. For example if I needed to categorize albums so to say. I want to be able to break it down by artist, by date, by genre, etc. Furthermore I would like to be able to take genre for example and break down by classical, blues, jazz and so on. Each category and subcategory should have url whether predefined and free-tagged. And If I have hundreds of categories it can be an overwhelming task to do so such in the manner that exist now IMHO. I'm coming from the Drupal way of doing things so all this freedom is complex to me But I like the way drupal handles classifying it's content and that's what I'm use to. Plus it's easier for an end user to grasp to me at least. I'm not a really a developer, more of a designer. So as an end user a dedicated and intuitive backend way to add categories is a plus.
  5. It works now. Thanks for the reply. But, now the modal window doesn't pop up anymore.
  6. I receive error when installing: Exception: Can't save page 0: /adminbar/: It has no parent assigned (in www\phreshr.tv\wire\core\Pages.php line 337) #0 [internal function]: Pages->___save(Object(Page)) #1 www\phreshr.tv\wire\core\Wire.php(241): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 www\phreshr.tv\wire\core\Wire.php(203): Wire->runHooks('save', Array) #3 www\phreshr.tv\wire\core\Page.php(733): Wire->__call('save', Array) #4 www\phreshr.tv\wire\core\Page.php(733): Pages->save(Object(Page)) #5 www\phreshr.tv\site\modules\AdminBar\AdminBar.module(312): Page->save() #6 www\phreshr.tv\site\modules\AdminBar\AdminBar.module(284): AdminBar->_createAdminBarPage('adminbar', Object(Template)) #7 ww This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Any suggestions on whats wrong? It had worked briefly. Then all of a sudden it didn't. I'm on a wamp stack and using php 5.3.5.
  7. Is there a process in which I would be able to categorize/tag my content with the ability to free-tag as it's called in drupal? I would editors to be able to tag content as they see fit.
  8. As for SEO, using URL extension has no direct impact on rankings, an URL extension just makes it clear both to a user and a search bot whether this is a page or subdirectory. Which only makes it useful for static pages. All you have to do is add 301 redirect. I personally see no benefit into using a URL extension.
  9. Splendid and thanks for the reply! I'm really loving how lightweight and simplistic..yet powerful this cms is.
  10. First off I'd like say that this a very nice cms and keep up the good work. I'm sure it will grow into something phenomenal. I would like to know is it possible to have a html5 video field that uses multiple src elements and allows me to use the media attribute on the source element, which queries the browser to find out screen size (or number of colours, aspect ratio, and so on) and send different files that are optimised for different screen sizes? Like so: <video controls> <source src=hi-res.mp4 type='video/mp4; media="(min-device-width: 800px)"> <source src=lo-res.mp4 type='video/mp4;> <source src=hi-res.webm type='video/webm; media="(min-device-width: 800px)"> <source src=lo-res.webm type='video/webm;> </video>
  11. Is there a way to remove trailing slash with rewrite in .htaccess?
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