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Everything posted by pepita

  1. pepita


    Yes, I mean http://modules.processwire.com/modules/indexer/ Thanks for your help. But it was not directly a problem with the charset. In the file “Indexer.module” on the line 310 was a preg_replace, which allows no German umlaute. So I replaced $text = preg_replace('/[^A-za-z0-9]/', ' ', $text); through $text = preg_replace('/[^A-za-z0-9äöüÄÖÜ]/', ' ', $text); and now it works I think for my second problem is also the file “Indexer.module” the solution. I tried something but it doesn’t works. foreach ($fields as $field): // Check if there are Repeaters if( $field->type == "FieldtypeRepeater" ): foreach( $page->get($field->name) as $repeater ): // Now we cicle trough all fields of repeaters. foreach( $repeater->fields as $rep_field ): $fulltext .= $this->extractTextFromField($rep_field, $repeater); endforeach; endforeach; //Fieldtype Page elseif( $field->type == "FieldtypePage" ): foreach( $page->get($field->name) as $fieldtype_page): // Now we cicle trough all fields of the page. foreach( $fieldtype_page->fields as $page_field ): //Check if there are Repeaters if( $page_field->type == "FieldtypeRepeater" ): foreach( $page->get($page_field->name) as $repeater_page ): // Now we cicle trough all fields of repeaters. foreach( $repeater_page->fields as $rep_field ): $fulltext .= $this->extractTextFromField($rep_field, $repeater_page); endforeach; endforeach; else: $fulltext .= $this->extractTextFromField($page_field, $fieldtype_page); endif; endforeach; endforeach; //End Pagefield else: $fulltext .= $this->extractTextFromField($field, $page); endif;
  2. pepita


    Hello everybody I like Processwire very much but I’m a newbie so I have a lot of questions ;-) I hope you understand my “English”. Sorry about that. I’ve installed the indexer. And now I have some troubles with the german umlaut (ä ö ü). If I search a word with an umlaut there are no results because these letters are not in the database. Should I first replace the umlauts in the search query through whitespace or is there a better way? My second problem: I would like that the indexer also search in the content from the page field and not only in the title. So I have a page “club” that has a page field to the page “members”. I don’t want to add every member separate in the page field because I use the members on different pages. So if there is a change I have only make on one site the update. Sorry, it’s for me a bit difficult to explain. Thanks for your help.
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