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  1. Hey @bernhard, Thanks so much for this mini tutorial, when I get time I'll attempt to test it out and see how I go. ?
  2. Hey everyone, Wasn't sure if this is possible but am wondering if anyone had a solution to this. Perhaps with a hook or something? A client has many parent pages to select from when creating a new page and they are then asked which parent page should this new page be created. A select field is then used to populate the list but this is a very big list. 500+ and growing which isn't that bad, but their employees are using iPads and I don't think the on-screen keyboard opens when targeting a select field and I don't think there is a way to force open the on-screen keyboard to search easier on the list... they have to scroll continuously and this is becoming an issue. It would be a lot more efficient for them to search for the parent page using a auto-complete/search select field if there are many items to list. Is there any way this can be achieved? Thanks!
  3. I also moved away from Freshbooks. They trippled their fee (was on a grandfathered plan) and their support when extracting and closing my account was a nightmare! (They sent my entire backup to someone else and didn't close my account properly, so clients were getting 2 lots of invoices from me!) I'm glad I built a new more customised system suited to how I process things for my business using PW. The amazing thing is, when I look back at it... it took me only about 1 full week to migrate and get going thanks to how easy it was using PW ? It now takes care of invoicing clients, online payments using form builder, PDF tax reports and expenses, multiple business setup (wife sells magazines and books), invoice activity/history. Will be interested to see how some things are done with this invoicing profile to improve on my setup. Well done @ryan.
  4. Just in case it helps anyone else, after upgrading from PW core 3.0.148 to latest (3.0.161), the ending bracket gets striped from the CDATA element when generating the output for the RSS XML feed. Not sure what has changed or caused this. Changed line 187 from: $description = '<![CDATA[' . $description . ']]'; to: $description = '<![CDATA[' . $description . ']]>'; Thanks.
  5. Thanks @Roope! This has fixed the issues I was having.
  6. Just a warning, this seems to have a conflict with SEO Maestro module? I can't diagnose much as I'm at work and it's very busy at the moment. Can anyone else confirm this? Thanks.
  7. This was the code I used to replace all items, just in case anyone needs the same in the future. ? $blog_pages = $pages->find("template=blog, include=all"); foreach($blog_pages as $p) { foreach($p->content_repeater as $item) { if($item->type == 'rm_text') { $item->of(false); $string = $item->body; $pattern = '[\/site\/assets\/files\/(\d){1,20}\/]'; $replacement = '/site/assets/files/' . $p->id . '/'; $new_string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); $item->body = $new_string; $item->save(); } } } Note: Don't forget to disable 'Fix broken images' under HTML options under your body content field, for the images not to be stripped from the output!
  8. Thanks @horst, This pointed me in the right direction, looking at some preg_replace examples within that module. I used the online preg_replace tool here: https://www.phpliveregex.com/#tab-preg-replace to finally get what I was looking for: ? $string = '<img alt="" src="/site/assets/files/10877/img_543.jpeg" />'; $pattern = '[\/site\/assets\/files\/(\d){1,20}\/]'; $replacement = '/site/assets/files/' . $page->id . '/'; preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); Output: <img alt="" src=/site/assets/files/<new_page_id>/img_543.jpeg" /> Thanks!
  9. Hi everyone, I have just updated my wife's website, and used the PW pages import/export tool to export all her blog posts. Everything worked well except that the Page ID's are different, so images which are in ckeditor body field are pointing to their old page id's and not the new page id's. Causing error's when you try to change any image properties within the ckeditor, such as alignment etc... and no images within the body field are shown on the front end of the site. Is there a step that I have missed somewhere? I did this step last, so I'm guessing all page id's were taken up, so the import used new page id's? Has anyone made a preg_replace() for URLs to just change image url strings to update to a new page id? For example I need the following example: <img alt="" src="/site/assets/files/10877/img_543.jpeg" /> changed to: <img alt="" src="/site/assets/files/{$page->id}/img_543.jpeg" /> Thanks!
  10. Hey @tpr, I'm also experiencing a different issue with AoS and the new toggle fieldtype. When entering the new toggle field to display results in the admin Page List (template->advanced->list of fields to display), if the page tree is not already open, the 'edit' string is attached to the string of text, when you open up a branch. If the tree is already opened however, it is fine. Please see the attached image. Thanks!
  11. I had the exact same issue with huge blank spaces @buster808. One thing you can do to avoid the huge white space is use the truncate method introduced in PW 3.0.101. Ryan wrote a great blog post on how to use it: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.101-core-updates/ Hope this helps.
  12. I think there is a feature request for this at the moment. https://github.com/uikit/uikit/issues/3812
  13. Great work @ryan! A really nice fresh new look. I especially love the little fine details of all the wires and plugs. I also like all the little testimonials scattered everywhere which relate to the content above them. Just two little things I noticed that were not mentioned yet. When in a sub category of the About menu, the navigation menu displayed on the left appears for each item except for 'Reviews' page. The top menu has the same flow and look regarding the plug and circle for items 'About', 'Download' and 'Docs', but the others don't. The plug and circle when on the 'Docs' page, using a widescreen monitor, the circle is outside the cord or overlapping the plug, depending on the width of the viewers monitor. I can't believe so much has been done in such a short amount of time though, great work!
  14. Great stuff. I haven't really had the need to place any grids inside any of my widgets, so have never thought of doing anything like that, but if I were to approach it with my configuration, I would probably just add some of the templating elements into the repeater matrix section.
  15. Sorry I took a while to respond... some appliances in the house broke that needed fixing and got a new Roland electronic drum kit, which I told the wife was more for my boys, but I have been hogging it... ? Site still isn't finished, but almost... I tried to put together a video which shows: Creating a new test page Using repeater matrix field to add different content to the main body of the test page Creating a new page widgets group and a slideshow widget Creating a new test template page using the UIKit framework as the container for the widget Targeting specific / all pages to show the container Adding some classes to the container So I hope this shines some light on how I use this... kinda the best of both worlds... I can add main page content via repeater fields, but if I need content anywhere else, I can build out the template and target where I want the widget to go for any pages outside the main page content, or use the same widget in different locations on selected pages. I think I will try using fieldsetgroup or fieldsetpage, (I think) to try to combine the repeater matrix fields used for the main content and the widgets, so I really only have to maintain one template section and a single bit of code, if it needs expanding or more features are requested by a client.
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