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  1. Hi, My form is set to save to a processwire page each time the form is submited but i'm having an issue with the date field and can't find the solution on the forums. The datefield on my page template is set to use today's date as default and i display it on my site when the form was submited. The date field doesn't display anything unless i go edit the page and save it. I tried to add a hidden datefield on my form and relate it with the date field on my page but doesn't work either. Maybe the option (Default to today's date) was not created to save the value but just to display something.
  2. Hi, I have a code to display the total number (count) of page under a certain template but i would like to display the count on some field. The code i use for page count: <?php $countdemande = $page->count("template=v2-bs-demandes-recrutement, include=all"); { echo "$countdemande"; } ?> Now i would like to do the same thing for some fields (options, checkboxes, radio) and display the number of time an option was selected. ex.: Option field with multiple choice option 1 option 2 option 3 How can i display the count (number of time this option was selected) of option 1 ?
  3. Hi, New PW user here. I hope someone can help me with my question. I want the default language to be french, so i added the french pack, modified the name but the /en/ are still visible in the url. Is this something hardcoded? Or is there any better way to handle a default non english language? Thanks
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