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  1. hey, thanks everyone for giving responses. I will follow all of your advises and will inform you whether it works or not. So, here is the full detail of my project : - As there are different stakeholders who are functioning independently, so it is important to provide them different login credential according to their department. Also the view or display page has been different for different stakeholders. The format for entering the data should be in accordance with the users i.e. it should be customizable. Similarly, if user wants to publish his data, then there should be an option of selection for publishing the data. Log information of user should be updated & stored in database automatically and there should be an option for user to view this log information. Multiple search option will be there for user, so that they can search according to their requirement. In search engine, there will be an option for test name, operator, project’s life cycle and etc. So, i am going to start implementing my project with the help of processwire and will update all of you time to time. The only difficulty, i am facing in this project is to editing the excel file on the UI interface because generally the extension of the file is xlsm. I am using PHP right now to implement this.
  2. hello Mr-fan and BernhardB, Sorry, if i make you fell angry, that was not my intention. Well, i was just asking for advice, will it be possible with processwire to meet my project's requirement(specially 3rd and 4th one). and sorry for my bad english(as it's not my native language) and yes, i will share my code with you guys, once i will start my project work using processwire. By the way, i am doing this project for my academic purpose. Best regards Lokender Singh Shekhawat
  3. hey, mr fan, i think it's not free any other solution!!
  4. thanks mr fan. i will surely look at this and will inform you, whether it works or not
  5. Hi, i am new to Processwire. I want to make an user interface using Processwire. So, please let me know, if it is possible! Requirements are like this : - 1. Login System according to the user type i.e for different user, there should be a different login system. 2. According to the user type, their view page should be different 3. Importing and exporting the excel file(xls, xlsm, xlsx) 4. Editing the excel file on the user interface (I have seen on the forum, Kongondo has integrate the handsontable with the processwire, so please let me know how he did that). The 3rd and 4th requirement are important. Thanks and Regards Lokender Singh Shekhawat
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