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Everything posted by WOSEvision

  1. “We don’t use the ‘J’ word in 2016 anymore” — @jjperezaguinaga https://t.co/g8xB1clMdp

  2. RT @DarrenWasHere: Your web CMS is not meant to be a digital storage locker, that is why file shares exist #cuc16 #contentstrategy https://…

  3. RT @jamesarthurjohn: @chanw64 has Velocity code examples for #CUC16 at https://t.co/cpI7Jr5Nh2

  4. Too early/inappropriate to start counting down to @Hannon_Hill user conf? Don't pass judgement, CMS excitement is real and requires therapy

  5. Grunge Concrete Textures to be used in my new app, \"Pavment\". https://t.co/Hub5TUt4cd

  6. Any chance I'd be able to get access to that guide as well? Pretty please? I have essentially the exact same question, and would love to pour through any Form Builder docs/posts there may be. I have my license key handy if necessary!
  7. Word, I just entered this contest to pay off my student debt, and now they're making me tweet it. Done. #Magnet10k https://t.co/IpzxPcXU25

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