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Erik Richter

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  1. thanks for the quick reply - search is great, but I still need the kind of overview of the original module AND search.. and the optimal case would be the ability to select multiple at the (pressing shift or sth). Looked through the module directory, seems like there is nothing like that..
  2. Is there a new version or a similar module that works with > 3.0 ? Have installed this one, works, but doesn't look very appealing/search has some flaws. Thanks guys :)
  3. @horstthank you! I just investigated the Modules that were running.. and luckily I found out what happened and that I was not the only one having the problem. -> The Cookie Management Plugin Banner works with an external API which stopped working weeks ago and therefore was causing the loading times. I deinstalled it and everything is working fine again. Other people were talking about load times of 20-30 here (last page): Thank you everyone! Definitely a big portion of luck to find what exactly caused this..
  4. thanks @Jan Romero, best regards from and to Germany. Good tips, I just checked. This specific site does not use a ready.php file, neither is it very complex. No extra hooks or anything. What strikes me is that it has been behaving like hat for a couple of weeks now (end of November), after running without any problems for years. It's so strange, because the admin works flawlessly and it's always only the first initial visit (until something "site wide" is cached I believe)..
  5. @dragan thanks for the quick reply! I deleted the cache folder, then did reset my browser cache, did a clean visit - to the backend first: went fine. So I logged in, installed Tracy. Then visited the frontend from there (with fresh cache/private window) -> again: initial frontend load takes about 25 seconds.. all additional visits and page loads from there run fine, until you reopen browser or new session. Any Ideas? Tracy shows no errors.. just the very sad load time.
  6. Hey Guys, I have a site running for over 4 years (nothing has been changed technically the past years), client called me, suddenly it takes more than 20 seconds for initial site load! After that its all nice and fast, until you clear browser history and cache again. If you directly go to the admin area (even with fresh cache) it's also lightning fast, all the time - only frontend takes 20 seconds, EVEN if I put an empty template file without any code. Other php files, not within Processwire Framework (phpinfo eg), work fine too. Could it have something to do with the index.php/the other files that are trying to render the frontend in within Processwire framework? Processwire 3.0, PHP 7.0, Shared Hosting (Apache) - maybe they changed something over time with the configuration? But what would end up in this specific scenario? Any ideas highly appreciated! Thank you ?
  7. 500 Internal Server Error... ? as soon as I add $finder->query->where
  8. @bernhard Thanks for the quick response! Would I add the regular field names in the selector? <? $finder = $rockfinder ->find("template=physician, limit=12") ->addColumns(['title', 'created']); $finder->query->where("physician_profile_geo_lat >= $roundMinLat"); ... $finder->query->where("physician_profile_geo_lat >= $roundMinLat"); $rows = $finder->getRows();?> Thank you!!
  9. @bernhard Really great module!! I have around 1 mio pages, and it is pretty fast as long as I don't do comparisons. With more complex finders it is really slow on my end. I need to do a radius search, comparing lat/long fields to min max: <? $finder = $rockfinder ->find("template=physician, physician_profile_geo_lat>=$roundMinLat, physician_profile_geo_lat<=$roundMaxLat, physician_profile_geo_long>=$roundMaxLon, physician_profile_geo_long<=$roundMinLon, limit=12") ->addColumns(['title', 'created']); $rows = $finder->getRows();?> This is really realy slow - any tips on optimizing this? I switched to RockFinder, hoping that it would increase speed, as I reached the limits of usability with the usual $pages->find with this, too. If anyone has ideas or tips, I'd appreciate it!
  10. @cst989 Hey! I changed the fieldtyp to float in database, but still: as soon as I have negative longitude, I get no results.. any tips? Thank you!!!
  11. EDIT2: Actually I've been stupid, mixed up Max and Min for the negatives. Everything works now - pretty slow tho.. If anyone has tipps on making queries faster (talking 1 mio pages) Let me know! Hey guys, Is it possible to change fieldtype text to float for a live website? I have about 1 Mio pages with Lat/Long coordinates (from geocoding) stored in a TEXT field. Works perfectly for displaying on maps etc. - but now I wanted to implement a query filtering for radius (min/max gets calculated correctly before). This $pages->find does not find results, and I suspect it is because some values are negative? (Lang: -80.45550 for example). $pages->find("lat>=$minlat, lat<=$maxlat, lang>=$minlng, lang<=$maxlng") -> fields are TEXT fields. It looks like the Comparison operator is not working here. Any tips on this? Thank you!! EDIT: I just changed the fieldtype to Float via Tracy Adminer... no change. The operators are still not giving any results. Strange. Hopefully anyone here has an idea!
  12. @elabx thanks for the fast response! Search is fast - as long as one picks at least one filter/selector. Displaying all 1,2 mio results takes about 14-16 seconds, even with the limit and pagination. I guess its because of the count?
  13. Hey @elabx, what solution did you come up with in the end? I also am paginating (when no filters have been selected) 1,2 Million pages, and the response time is about 15 seconds - which is not usable. Let me know if you found a good solution - thank you!!
  14. Hey guys, Im trying to sort pages depening on the count of pages who has them selected as page reference (the new owner selector might be handy for this?). my array is: $array = $pages->find("template=xx, sort=-profile_linked, sort=title"); I want to add a third sort which sorts the count of pages that have the array pages in a page reference field called "refField". What I tried: $array = $pages->find("template=xx, sort=-profile_linked, sort=title, sort=refField.owner.count"); Obviously this isn't working.. can I use the owner-selector for this at all? Or what would be the best practice? Thanks in advance!
  15. @LostKobrakai thanks for the explanation! very helpful. Actually I created a second datetime field now, where I store the walltime of the user when the post is created. I just use this field then to display the time on frontend, instead of created. Messing with the actual created date could really make problems - thanks for the insights - especially because you still want to keep the real "order" (dependend on UTC or a universal time) of posts, even tho individual local time is different.
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