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  1. Hi all, I encountered exception after default installation on shared hosting. On http://site/install.php'>http://site/install.php I get ERROR EXCEPTION: ITEM 'FIELDGROUPS_FIELDS' SET TO FIELDGROUP IS NOT AN ALLOWED TYPE (IN /ALT/HOME/AD/HTML/SITE/WIRE/CORE/ARRAY.PHP LINE 229) When I try to enter http://site/ it shows the same error msg and sends it admin email. Anyone had similiar situation? Thanks in advance for any support on this one...
  2. Understood, anyway thanks for mobile help :]
  3. Sorry for such emotionless questions, but I try to put out everything as clear as possible
  4. Hi again, Background: I have "home" template, to which I want add slides (like featured). Slide would consist of title, image , description and page link. Problem: I tried to used Fieldset with these four fields. The problem is that I can't add more than one... Question: Is Fieldset desinged to exist with multiple instantces? Is only way to do this is create slide template and add it to tree?
  5. Damm, you thought about everything Thanks once again
  6. Thanks apeisa for support, creating url is working (was really close), but I'm facing new problem. My structure: /news - news-list /story/news-name - news entry /news/category-name - which is the case, now when I enter this url I get 404, which is true as page with category-name doesnt exists... I used to work with MVC pattern, so this is new situation for me (sorry for stupid questions)
  7. Hi, I'm developing my first site with PW. Got it brilliant idea, but head cant get around old thinking My problem: I have to make a list of news categories with links to news-list template with specific category (to filter news out). Category list: <?php $newsIndex = $page->find('template=news-list'); ?> <?php $categories = $pages->get('template=news-categories')->children;?> <?php foreach($categories as $c): ?> <?php echo "<li><a href='{$newsList->url}{$c->path}'>{$c->title}</a></li>"; ?> <?php endforeach;?> Filtering news: $selectedCategory = ''; $news = $page->children("category={$selectedCategory}, sort=-date"); Question: How to create url to $newsList page with category as parameter? How to get parameter from url and then filter news out? Maybe, there's any section in API covering this topic (I didnt found it)
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