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  1. I am still struggling with this one. Looks like i am the only one having this odd problem. Maybe any ideas, how to track this down? Now, is this the correct table structure for table "pages" right after the installation with the builtin multilang site profile? pages Column Type Null Default Comments id int(10) No parent_id int(11) No 0 templates_id int(11) No 0 name varchar(128) No status int(10) No 1 modified timestamp No CURRENT_TIMESTAMP modified_users_id int(10) No 2 created timestamp No 2015-12-18 06:09:00 created_users_id int(10) No 2 published datetime Yes NULL sort int(11) No 0 name1012 varchar(128) Yes NULL status1012 int(10) No 1 name1013 varchar(128) Yes NULL status1013 int(10) No 1 name1020 varchar(128) Yes NULL status1020 int(10) No 1
  2. Thank you for looking into this Marc! I checked the config.php file, but there are only the usual connection settings like db name, host and password. No connection type specification or anything of interest. While trying to further track down the issue, i noticed that after fresh installation with multilanguage site profile, in the settings tab of the homepage i am only seeing the name field for the english language, where as according to documentation i should be seeng fields for all three languages (english, german and finnish). I am appending a screenshot of the settings tab of my homepage right after the fresh installation. I am still completely lost - what happened to the other two languages?
  3. Hello everybody! I am trying to create a new language on a fresh multilanguage install of processwire, and i keep getting this SQL error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'pages.name1020' in 'where clause' I got this error on the current master release (which i think is 3.0.42 as of now), then i tried to use 3.0.35 to doublecheck, but i still keep getting this error. Steps to reproduce look for me like this: Install PW (using multilangauge profile) Create a new Language The new language is still being created, but is greyed out when editing content. So, is this a bug, or am i overlooking something? Thanks in advance.
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