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  1. uiui


    Hey, I have a multi-language site with a localized site name for each language. Is there a way to reflect that in the site name field?
  2. I've looked at all those things and compared my local installation, on which it works, with the productive one and didn't see any differences. What I find interesting is that the 404 monitor also doesn't include the request, only after I change the page's URL.
  3. Thank you for your response Processwire 3.0.210 Duplicator FieldtypeColor FieldtypeFontIconPicker FieldtypeRepeaterMatrix FileValidatorSvgSanitizer FormBuilder GoogleClientAPI ImageExtra InputfieldColor InputfieldFontIconPicker MarkupFontIconPicker MarkupSimpleNavigation PageimageSource PageSnapshot PasswordForceChange ProCache ProcessAdminActions ProcessDuplicator ProcessExportProfile ProcessJumplinks ProcessLanguageFieldExportImport ProcessProCache ProcessVersionControl ProcessWire dev ProcessWire master ProcessWireUpgrade RestApi Sassify SeoMaestro SimpleContactForm TextformatterHannaCode TextformatterVideoEmbed VersionControl Yes, with a random URL that isn't linked to any page, it works (or using the URL of a deactivated language) The 404 template exists No redirects in the 404 template Yes, 27 No URL segments No hooks One site Multi-language I can't of anything fancy to the configuration that might cause that issue.
  4. Am I the only who ran into this issue? I might add that jumplinks are working for other languages as long as the page is still published, and I deactivate those languages. As soon as I unpublish the whole page, users are again ending up on the admin login.
  5. Now I even have a case in which the login form shows up even though I moved the page to the trash. I also can't use a jumplink to redirect to a different URL.
  6. Hello, I have no idea why unpublished pages lead to the admin login instead of displaying the error 404 page. Does anyone have an idea where I should look at?
  7. How is order of sizes important? Strangely, srcset("4096, 2560, 1920, 1600, 1280, 980, 480") only renders the first sizes, while >srcset("1920, 1600, 1280, 980, 480, 4096, 2560") is working as expected.
  8. My problem is that the page reference field that contains the unpublished pages doesn't return any pages. $p = $pages->get(1470); echo count($p->galleries); This prints 0, although galleries contains one page reference. That seemed to be different in 3.0.132.
  9. Is there a way to bring this buggy behaviour back? ? In other words: How can I get a page reference field to return unpublished references for the frontend?
  10. That was it. Thank you so much.
  11. Hi, Locally I'm using Processwire 3.0.164 on MAMP 4.1.0. with ImageMagick 6.8.9. The phpinfo lists WEBP under ImageMagick supported format. Nonetheless, ->webp->url is returning a JPG-URL for any image. Why is that?
  12. Isn't there a "break;" missing in line 264?
  13. Hi, I have the issue that LanguageSupportPageNames' verifypath corrects the language although it shouldn't. A page shares its name among multiple languages and the url only differs in the first section of the path (e.g. /lang1/same and /lang2/same). As verifypath seems to only take sections of the path into account independently, line 262, $name === $requestedPart is always true for the second language, although the path of the first language's version was requested. Is that a bug or is my site set up erroneously?
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