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Everything posted by ctrick

  1. I have installed the latest version of MAMP (3.0.9 Release Candidate 1) with default settings. In the hosts-panel I created a .dev host with default PHP version (5.6.8): Is there any way to fix this issue by editing the PW config? In XAMPP for windows PW runs without problems, but i like the way MAMP manages the hosts. Thanks!
  2. Modified script works, too. <?php $myfile = fopen('C:\Windows\temp\testfile.txt', "w") or die("Unable to write file!"); $txt = "Test Text\n"; fwrite($myfile, $txt); fclose($myfile); echo "File saved ok."; ?>
  3. Hi there, i am using MAMP Pro for Windows as dev-environment. Installation of PW went fine but I have an issue with image uploading: I have tested if the Dir is writable with this script - there are no problems.. <?php $myfile = fopen("C:\\Windows\\temp\\testfile.txt", "w") or die("Unable to write file!"); $txt = "Test Text\n"; fwrite($myfile, $txt); fclose($myfile); echo "File saved ok."; ?> Any ideas? Thanks! Chris
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