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Michael Steinmann

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Everything posted by Michael Steinmann

  1. Thank you @Sérgio Jardim I will have a look at it and try to get it to work. At least it sounds exactly like what i was trying to do. I will respond if i am successful.
  2. Hello everyone, i guess my php knowledge is not good enough to find a solution for the following problem: I'm building a website where i have projects. Each project has tags like "webdesign, responsive, cms, print, flyer" etc. At the end of a project i want to recommend other projects, which have similar tags. I want to limit the recommendations to three other projects sorted by the hightest amount of same tags. This is how far i got: I'm using <?php $interessantes = $pages->find("tags=$page->tags, id!=$page->id"); ?> to find other projects with the same tags, excluding the page i'm already on. Then i'm using three foreach-functions to go through the projects i found, the tags they have and compare them with the tags of the project i'm looking at. If i have two identical tags, i count up a variable. <?php // Projects i have found foreach($interessantes as $interessant): $i = 0; // Tags of the projects i have found foreach($interessant->tags as $tag): // Tags of the project i'm looking at foreach($page->tags as $tagreferenz): if($tag == $tagreferenz): $i++; endif; endforeach; endforeach; endforeach; ?> You can see what it looks like in the screenshot with a bit of HTML. I marked the tags of the current project green and the identical tags of other projects red with the amount of hits below. So in this example i would want to have three projects with three similar tags and get rid of those with only two and one. I guess i have to put my pages into an array (with the number of hits?), sort them and echo them with "limit=3"? Unfortunately i have no idea how to do this. You probably have an even better/shorter solution. Links to other topics are welcome to and i'll try to get my head around it. If you need further explanation, i'll try my best. Best regards
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