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Everything posted by modifiedcontent

  1. FrontendUser and FormHelper are the first modules I have installed in Processwire, so I am still very confused about the basics. When I put this in a template file: $fu = $modules->get('FrontendUser'); echo $fu->login(null, $redirectDestination); The output in the site is just the text 'FrontendUser', no login form as I had hoped. What am I missing? Probably something very dumb and obvious.
  2. EsoTalk and Flarum look like old-fashioned bulletin boards to me. I want something much more content focused; member profile pages as content channels and then collect some platform activity on a general homepage. I like the straightforward way PW handles content. If PW can handle users/members in a similar straightforward way, that would be a great starting point. I don't want to use yet another php script that only does one thing.
  3. Thank you for your quick response pwFoo. And Beluga. I have forum websites based on heavily customized Wordpress Multisite now, but it is a structural mess - http://geowebforum.com etc. In Wordpress Multisite each new site is completely independent/disconnected from the others. Buddypress works around that by adding a second users database table. I tried a different approach to minimize the number of plugins and keep everyhing as standard as possible, but Wordpress still makes it hard to manage as one platform. I don't want a classic old skool forum/BB, like this support forum. It should be more like a social network; users have their own profile pages where they can post content in their own channel/newsfeed and then can comment on eachothers content. Whatever the features are going to be, I need a solid, straightforward users/members management system to get started. I'll try your module and will report back here. Thanks again!
  4. I am just getting started on this - building a forum site where users can register an account, have a profile page and then expand from there... Could someone give a summary of this thread. How far along is this module? FrontendUser is listed as alpha/not stable, but does the basic process work? Is it good enough to get started? Is a stable version 1.0 coming any day now or is this an abandoned experiment? Would I be better off trying to develop something very rudimentary from scratch?
  5. I am also getting started with this, a basic social network, where people can sign up, have their own profile page, post stuff, comment on other's posts, etc. How far along are others who have tried this? What are the basic parts I should start with to get a minimal viable version online as soon as possible?
  6. OK, thanks for the responses. I saw that thread with the index.config.php, but wasn't sure if that really answered my question, if there wasn't a simpler way to do it. Still trying to understand how ProcessWire works. I thought you could have different sites on one ProcessWire installation; so one 'wire' folder and then different 'sites'. I have a ProcessWire site at the root of a VPS full of Wordpress sites on sub-domains, all with 'mywebsite' folder names. That is where my confusion came from.
  7. Is it possible to change the name of the default 'site' folder? Like change it to 'mywebsitename'? There is no real technical reason for me to want to do this. I am just afraid that the inconspicuous 'site' will get lost on the server, that I or someone else will end up deleting at some point.
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