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Everything posted by Mitja

  1. this sovled the problem, million thanks and shame on me to not even try something so basic
  2. thanks man, i changed it to ->url, its still working, i'll call and see if the problem persists
  3. Hello, since i started working with PW it was like a charm, everything is neat and easy to use. But my problems began when people testing the new site started having problems with seeing resized images ... the page which is bound to domain zivalnik.si started to create links to resized images beginning with em2.si as domain, which is the default domain of the server on which it is hosted .. NOTE that only few users reported that behavior, and its not not bound to any particular browser or OS or network connection. Im clueless to what causes this ... this is the code im using for generating and serving pictures: <img src="<? echo ($oglas->slika->first()) ? $oglas->slika->first()->size(436,436)->httpUrl : 'about:blank';?>" title="<?=$oglas->title?>" alt="<?=$oglas->title?>"> $oglas is a Page, $slika is an Image images should begin as zivalnik.si/assets.... but instead they begin with the host server's domain - and only on few computers that dont seem to have anything in common - most of the users get their pictures display just fine ... help! screenshot of the error and unloaded images:
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