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Everything posted by sab

  1. Yeah, I guess. Thanks anyways ? I will go with what's available if there's no other option available.
  2. It's almost identical to that of Ryan's examples. I have main categories like health, food etc. And under the Health, for instance, there are subcategories such as Fasting and so on. I have all of those main and sub categories as pages and the subcategories are nested inside individual respective main categories. Therefore, the values of the checkboxes are predefined manually.
  3. I'm a beginner, so I don't really think I can do it by myself. Based on your response, I take it that it's not provided as a built-in option and it requires lots of effort or there's a commercial module. Hmm, in that case, I think I'm just okay with the current possibility with the selectbox and keep learning about processwire as much as I can as there is no urgent timeframe. Thank you for your time, Bernhard! ? Edit: Not really thousands of, but dozens of options max. I'm striving to create a small e-commerce website for myself. And thought, checking subcategories would be easier on the eyes than selecting them.
  4. Yes, and in my case, the first field is a select box style, but the second one needs to be a checkbox style instead of hidden selectable options. Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone, I could have asked the following question in a wrong place. So, I decided to ask here as well. I have two fields in the admin: the second one's values change depending on the first one's chosen value. I wonder if there is any way to change the selectbox type of the dependant field into checkboxes so I can see all the options of the list of subcategories straight away without any extra action. Thanks in advance! *********************** This works perfectly! BUT, still doesn't work with checkboxes. Is there any way to make this method to work with checkboxes or radiobuttons? Thanks!
  6. This works perfectly! BUT, still doesn't work with checkboxes. Is there any way to make this method to work with checkboxes or radiobuttons? Thanks!
  7. @PostNL hi, my parcel left the uk, royal mail, on monday. when will i receive my parcel? should i go check with the nearest post office?

  8. Where do I find that? Which Settings tab? Is it under Setup -> Languages in the admin? I don't see any checkbox for active and inactive languages. The website address is: http://sab.edu.mn/en Thanks.
  9. Dear All, I have a bilingual website and when I try to access the english version of my website using www.mydomain.com/en, I no longer can access the English version of the texts. It used to be okay, but now it shows the following message instead of displaying the texts in English: The page you were looking for is not found.Please use our search engine or navigation above to find the page. and 404 page in the title. I can't seem to find the reason. I still have both languages installed on the system. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. @eliademy Thank you very much, @eliademy ! You probably have no idea how much we appreciate you! We love @eliademy ! :) from Mongolia

  11. Thank you very much, @eliademy ! You probably have no idea how much we appreciate you!We love @eliademy ! :) from Mongolia

  12. Got it! You were right! I had to: Once the Language Support Page Names module is installed, go and edit your homepage and click on the settings tab. And I changed it to "en" and it solved the problem. I'm learning Processwire. So, forgive me if I'm bombarding this forum with too many questions. I feel like I've got all the answers I needed for the major part of my website. Thank you, everyone!
  13. thanks, but i have all of them installed already. Previously, i had this code creating a role on a file and i created the same user twice and i get this error related to it. After removing the code, i started getting the next one which is this one.
  14. Hi, I have two languages on my website. First is default and the next is English (with the name en). Before reinstalling a new version of Processwire, I used to access all of the pages including the home page by simply adding the name of the language after the page url. www.myurl.com/en would show everything in English (Multilingual field contents). Now I get 404. Please advise me. Thanks!
  15. no other way than reinstalling? the version on my serverside is 2.5.3
  16. how do i do that? i think that i can't even create a role.
  17. Hi, on my localhost installation, when i create a new role, i can see 9 permisson checkboxes such as 'view pages', 'edit pages', 'delete pages', 'move pages' .... etc. and on my server installation, when i create a new role, there is just nothing after typing in the rolename. after clicking on the 'save' button, nothing happens and i get back to my website tree/pages. whenever i click on a 'role', i just get my tree/pages list. no other page appears but i get a messag at the top of the page "you are logged in". and although it appears like i 'created' a role, when i want to assign the 'role' to a user, i have only two role options: superuser and guest. what could be wrong with this installation? is there anything i could do to actually create roles i want? or should reinstall and reconfigure everything? is it because of the version difference? i just wanted to have a role who can edit pages with a template and i wanted to assign this role to specific users.
  18. that's a file i can't change the content but still supposed to be there although the size is big. i followed the instructions from suggestion or two from older forum posts. and not sure what i'm doing wrong. i need to display many pdf files on the website. i hope you guys have more suggestions.
  19. I checked as you said and the file exists. It loads. And then it says "Failed to load PDF file".
  20. Hi, I am trying to display PDF pages on different parts of my webpage I am creating. Failed to load PDF file ********************************************************************************************** on my showPDF template, i have: $filePdf = $page->showPdf->filename; on my main.inc: if($filePdf){ header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $filePdf . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filePdf)); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); @readfile($filePdf); $filePdf=''; } else{ echo $content; } ********************************************************************************************** I must be definitely doing something wrong!
  21. I installed it through a zip file installation option! And it works like a charm! Thank you everyone!
  22. me again, i tried to follow the instructions on: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/TextformatterVideoEmbed and that's how my website went "500 internal server". after copying the module in the module directory. Now, i copied the TextformatterVideoEmbed.module file again into the Module folder. and in the admin, i went to the Module menu item and then hovered over Install thinking of installing the module on my processwire. But the Install arrow becomes a neverending loading circle. Not showing any sub menu link or anything else. it's like it's frozen. probably i have to remove the file out of the module directory. probably i am doing something wrong. probably there is an updated way to embed youtube videos. any ideas? thanks. and i appreciate all the responses i'm getting here. nice community for a beginner like me.
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