Hi everyone,
I have a problem using the processwire api in my own system. I use it to configure some special pages (texts, images and so on). Everything is working fine so far. Except when I'm doing a POST-Request (a search for example). The request has nothing to do with processwire.
As soon as I do a POST-Request I'm getting the following error-message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Session::addHookAfter() in MY_PROCESSWIRE_PATH\wire\modules\Session\SessionLoginThrottle\SessionLoginThrottle.module on line 50
Error: Call to undefined method Session::addHookAfter() (line 50 of MY_PROCESSWIRE_PATH\wire\modules\Session\SessionLoginThrottle\SessionLoginThrottle.module)
This error message was shown because site is in debug mode ($config->debug = true; in /site/config.php). Error has been logged.
Here is my desperate attempt to workaround the problem
//dirty workaround ahead
$postData = $_POST; //save post data
$_POST = array(); //clear $_POST
include("../../processwire/index.php"); //include doesn't throw error
$_POST = $postData; //write it back
So what's the reason for the problem?
Thanks in advance!