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Everything posted by bora

  1. The same here with 2.6.15 build. $image->getCrop('productcover') returns null even with the cropped images on the frontend. Name and settings for the field is productcover,988,741
  2. sooo google become ebay now with the new logo?

  3. Hello, I have a problem with the GD library on the server. When I upload an image I get this error below and half grey images. When I checked the original image it seem to be half uploaded half empty and resized images are grey like in the attachments. Server is ubuntu 14.04, with php 5.5.9 and GD 2.1.1-dev installed. I already tried gd.jpeg_ignore_warning = 1 that I found on many sources. Anyone have any idea? Thanks ahead Parse Error: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg, libjpeg: recoverable error: (line 330 of wire/core/ImageSizer.php) EDIT: Uninstalling GD then restarting server and reinstalling again somehow worked.
  4. Namazında niyazinda bir süper kahraman Spiderman https://t.co/tJIejG96Qk

  5. You probably don't want to work for Amazon http://t.co/e59xuVXiUX via @verge

  6. RT @Pantolon: Rönesans tablosu gibi yemin ederim. http://t.co/V86sIQZrQK

  7. UPDATE: I saw this post from apeisa after posting this. ProcessPageEdit::buildForm worked like a charm. public function init() { $this->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildForm", $this, 'setProductGroup'); } public function setProductGroup(HookEvent $event) { $form = $event->return; $field = $form->get('product_group'); if($field) { $field->findPagesCode = 'return $page->rootParent->child("name=product-groups")->children();'; } $event->return = $form; }
  8. Reviving an old topic but which hook should I use for changing this behaviour with a module. When I use this code in admin.php it works perfectly but I could manage to use it with hooks. $field = $fields->get("product_group"); $field->findPagesCode = 'return $page->rootParent->child("name=product-groups")->children();';
  9. “Türk StartUp’ları Öldüren 12 Sebep” by @Fisbecer https://t.co/TWgcUkPR3U

  10. RT @onuraliben: revize yok, başlık ve görsele 1 alternatif sadece http://t.co/azBD544kFw

  11. Thank you Macrura, I think I should do this for like that? //set the data $config->set('site',$site); //and reach in templates $config->get('site'); //OR $config->site;
  12. In 2016 we'll hear about PostCSS a lot more, it's really cool => "Is PostCSS a Game Changer?" http://t.co/WZg1ud1FiP

  13. Hi everyone, I'm starting to code PW side of my first ever PW project. Really excited to see how it goes. While starting out I'm planning a template approach to use in the project mostly relying on wireRenderFile method. As it is my first project I wanted to make sure this won't cause me problems in the long run. Here is how I started out: I have two functions in _func.php as helpers. One of them is wrapper for wireRenderFile and the other is appender for $content for not using $content .= everywhere I have a global variable called $site. I normally avoid global variables but in this case I'll only have one and its not so different than using $homepage or $title before the includes (or is it??). I'm thinking about making a module for this to keep _init.php clean And in the _main.php my code is like that, with the common areas for pages. For the content of pages, I echo $content for the page content I gathered. For example, for basic-page template file: You can see usage of both functions here. That's all for the start. I'm trying to keep it simple to prevent going out of my hand. Do you see any "do not" or "should not" points here, or have any kind of recommendations? Thanks ahead
  14. Shoulda try that ... Toolbox of the Smart WordPress Developer: Kirki http://t.co/fJoqeKWFde via @tutsplus

  15. Hayatınızı boşa harcamamak için her türlü kişisel gelişim kitabından daha etkili posta gastesi şiiri. #bosaharcama http://t.co/vi9aNTd4WS

  16. Explore the WordPress REST API with the New Interactive Console Plugin http://t.co/mna2SnIZQd via @wptavern

  17. RT @webrazzi: Popüler yazılım konferansı PHPKonf için son günler [20 Davetiye] http://t.co/UThU1DKKNv http://t.co/f1pPwvQBJH

  18. Thank you all for the detailed answers and insights, I will go through them. I had some nice "ahaa" moments since I started fiddling with PW, I'm sure while trying to figure this one out, I'll have lots more of them I'll post the follow up story as I progress, hopefully I will make something that I can share in the end. (for now I don't have too much to say other than thank you ) For UI side of this I find http://gridster.net/ , I might fork and use it for layout building side of things.
  19. Hello Everyone, I'll start my first project with PW next week, a multilanguage product catalogue website that demands some complex relations between products/products groups/usage areas etc. Normally I almost always use WordPress for CMS projects, but I know WP well enough to know that it would be very problematic for this website. So I choose to use ProcessWire, which I'm following for more than a year, tried locally a few simple things to get familiar. I noticed that I can plan more flexible site structure with PW, without all that post type, taxonomy etc structure. While waiting for designs to finish I started working out on some of the parts which I don't have any idea how they're approached in PW world. There is section in the main page of the site, which might look like in the attached image. Each grey box will compose of image - title - link - title_color fields. Those 7 in the image are just some of the possibilities but there can be more possility (like long vertical one added to the end or there can be 3 or more lines of block etc.). So what I need to do is build a block builder. If it was a WordPress site, I would use a simple page builder like https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/ ,which basically gives a nice interface to use Shortcode API of WP. My question is, what kind of structure you suggest for this in PW, or what kind of approach should I use and for a PW newbie what sources should I look? Thank you, Bora
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