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  1. Well. Not really. It would be nice for grouping multiple fields inside one, so I simply can embed 1 field on a template and not have to include multiple fields (via fieldset)... If your project is big and complex, it would be good to group them like told. 1 example of how this would simplify stuff: You could create a field called "seo" and inside this seo field, you have all that seo-specific stuff like description, image, opengraph,... and then you only need to set this field to global and voila: SEO fields for every field!
  2. Thanks for this fast answer! Well: For textarea, your solution would be the solution! But "text" and textarea fields were just an example. Maybe I need multiple floats with the same settings. Instead of creating 3 different fields, one field with 3 virtual instances would be nice (float1, float2, float3 field)
  3. As I understand this, the Fieldsetopen field is only for grouping for entering content via backend. I am looking for a field that internally groups multiple fields. Like how you add fields to a repeater field, but without the repeating stuff
  4. Hello, just another wish on my list: Multiple instances for same field. E.g. I have got a simple "text" field that's just a CKEdtior textarea. If I want to use two or more text fields, I need to dublicate the "text" field to something like "text2". I know that every field is unique because of the database structure behind. Is is still possible to make something like this for this problem? Maybe save everything to same table in database but somehow add a "instanceNumber" field that separates "text1" from "text2"? It isn't a big thing, because cloning is easy. I really like to keep redundancies low and cloning fields isn't that great, so I share this wishlist. Maybe there is some way and I don't know about it, so let me know
  5. Hello, One thing that I really would like is a group fieldtype. This group fieldtype is just for grouping other fieldtypes. E.g.: "dates" as group field has "dateStart" and "dateEnd" (both datetime fieldtype) as fields. This would be a great feature! Is something like this currently possible?
  6. Hi Kobrakai, Do you have any links about the topics with the same topic? I did not find anything.
  7. Hello, I am using PW for some time and I am thinking a lot about modularity in ProcessWire. In a German CMS called Redaxo, everything consists of blocks. A page has many blocks and every block has an input and output. It is pretty simple for the user to stack blocks per page to build content for a site. So I can define a "media gallery" block, a "Q & A" block and the user can stack them like he want's. And every block is a file so it can simply reused for the next project. How can I achieve this in ProcessWire and: Is this a good practice in regards of PW's structure? Let's start a discussion about it! I really like PW but I can not really get the gist of modular behavior in PW. I am also searching for some good practices. I currently try to achieve this kind of behaviour by using PageTable and creating templates for each block/component (prefixed with "c-")... Thanks for you answers in advance!
  8. Sorry, it still does not work by disabling ACF. Any other ideas?
  9. Hello, I am using custom styles: CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add('mystyles', [ { name: 'Box', element: 'div', attributes: { 'class': 'box' } }, { name: 'Subheader', element: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], attributes: { 'class': 'subheader' } }, { name: 'No margin bottom', element: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], attributes: { 'class': 'no-margin-bottom' } }, { name: 'Intro nav', element: ['ul', 'ol'], attributes: { 'class': 'intro-navigation' } }, ]); The thing is: I see my custom styling in the editor (via contents.css) and my styles are selectable and savable. So I style text and save and it works. On reopening the styles won't apply, even if it was successfully saved (right HTML in database), so when I then save, all styles are gone. Am I doing something wrong?
  10. I am using following code in my module and it still does not work... protected function syncLangProperty($page, $property) { if ($this->modules->isInstalled('LanguageSupport') && !empty($page->{$property})) { $defaultValue = $page->{$property}; foreach ($this->languages as $language) { $page->of(false); $page->setLanguageValue($language, $property, $defaultValue); $page->save($property); } } return $page; }
  11. Hello, when using the default multi-language module, you can set different titles for each language on a page. The logic is: the default language is the source and every non-default language inherits from it if empty. For a use case I have, I need to update all title's on a page for every language via the API. I tried a little with this code but it doesn't work (with no errors): $globalTitle = 'Test'; foreach ($languages as $language) { $page->set('title'.$language->id, $globalTitle); }
  12. Thank you! That was the problem! But is it still a bug? I thought that using PageArray output for the Page field, I get (when only one page is selectable) a PageArray with only one item in it. Kind of return $page vs return array($page).. But thanks again!
  13. Hello guys, hope you all had a great weekend! I made a short screencast that shows the bug and its behavior. Maybe this helps anyone for a fix or for a solution (maybe I am doing something wrong?). The bug is that it should have replaced the Sky-1.jpg item instead of only adding the new one. Here is the video: page-bug.mov Thanks for your answers!
  14. The thing is: Even if I allow the "folder" page that has children (files or another folder), the Page select would give me the children. But It somehow remembers the old selection and does only add to it. Maybe some caching thing even if I disabled all caching? Any idea how I can test it better to find the bug? EDIT: When I select a single page with no children, the Page select also does not work... The behavior is like this: If I change my selection, the old one does not get removed. All previous selections still appear as items in the resulted PageArray. This very seems like a bug. Does it help for you guys (and girls) when I upload a screencast of the bug?
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