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Everything posted by celinem01

  1. For example, on my template file I have 3 images which are displayed with this code : foreach($page->image as $image) { echo "<img src='{$image->url}' title='{$image->description}' />" } In admin area, I have a field "Image" with my 3 images. What I need to do to add this images in the other language ? (there are some texts on theses images that I want to translate). Thanks.
  2. I have found !! There was a javascript conflict with the google analytics code !!
  3. Ok thanks, so the .js is well executed since I try to add an Alert in this file and it's working.
  4. Maybe it is due to a parameter which is not well configured since all is working in the test server ? But which parameter... (to be sure that it is not a server problem, i reinstall my online version on a third server... Problem is the same). On Firefox, i have this javascript message on the console : L'utilisation de « getPreventDefault() » est obsolète. Utiliser « defaultPrevented » à la place.
  5. I try to use the original theme, problem is the same I really don't know why... It is only the display of this list, all other functions are ok. Where is the file .js that generate this list ?
  6. I don't have extensions like that. This is very strange since in my test version, on another servor, all is working great... The only error i have when i load this page is "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS". Admin theme is ok.
  7. Thanks for your reply. I have a field which is named "image". So i should create another field "image_en" and in my php template, i should call $image->url (and not $image_en->url and it will automatically display the right language. Is that right ? I am not sure to understand, for other text fields i have 2 tabs (french en english), but not for image.
  8. I have tried to delete session files but it does not work.
  9. Yes it is enabled. I have checked on different browsers and computers, the problem is the same. To be sure, how can I verify if javascript is enabled on my website ? Tabs "configuration" or "modules" work with no problem, so I assume this is not a javascript problem.
  10. Hello, I have 2 languages in my website. I have translated all texts, it works well. But I would like also translate some images. For example, I have 1 image in French and I would like another image in English. Is that possible ? Thanks
  11. Hello, I am new on Processwire. There is a really strange thing. When I log on admin area, pages do not appear (some weeks ago, there is not this problem). When I try to go on the URL exact ot edit a page (for example mysite.com/page/edit/?id=1222), it works. I have transfered my website on a new server some days ago, but I am not sure it is due to that since admin seems worked without problem after the transfert. Thanks for your help.
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