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Everything posted by chuckymendoza

  1. Hi, finally I had some time to test @renobird modified version of PageEditPerUser and also @adrian HideOtherUserPages modules for my problem. I like to describe my process here for others that deal with the same problem. First “solution”: Modules used: PageEditPerUser 0.0.3 HiddenAdminPages 1.0.0. All users got the same two roles (thanks @renobird for the tip) Roles: editor (edit, add, (but not) delete) editor_sub (edit, add, delete) Because of the installed HiddenAdminPages I can restrict pages for each user. Disadvantage: The more pages/user the site has, the more work it is to restrict pages for a new user. Second “solution”: Modules used: PageEditPerUser 0.0.3 HideOtherUserPages 0.0.1 (Same roles as first solution) As long as the page the user needs to edit got the same name (Page = user-1 , User = user-1) he or she can just edit his own pages, regardless where they are located Pro: Unlike the first solution, you do not need to add pages to a restriction list. This works better if you deal with a lot of pages. Disadvantage: A Parent page needs to named after the user. For me this solution is okay. Third “solution”: As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, a solution without any modules would be to have a template for each user and a role for editing just this template. No modules used Pro: Well, it works. ;-) Disadvantage: When you deal with, let say, 50 users, you also need 50 roles and 50 templates. A little bit confusing in the template/roles area. I guess you probably also have 50 files in the site folder on the server? You have to optimize/prepare your templates before you add them to processwire to be aware of future changes inside the template files. Big problem: So far all three solutions would work somehow, and I would prefer solution 2 for my problem but I discovered a new “problem” with solution 1+2. I had a test what happens when user 1 enters the name of user 2 in the search field of the backend. Processwire finds the Parent page and shows an “edit” in the search results. The same happens when user 1 enters a name of a child page that is only visible to user 2. Example user 1 enters "Blau" in the search field. user "Max Muster" also have a page named "Blau". So, in the search results both pages are visible and can edited by user 1. As a result when user 1 knows how the pages of user 2( or any other user) are called, it’s easy to find them and edit them. I got tears in my eyes. ;-) As solution 1+2 works for me somehow both are not usable from the view of security. Maybe I did something wrong here, not sure. The easiest way would be to restrict the search in the backend to just the pages the user can edit (as part of the modules of solution 1 or 2). Any thoughts on that? Thomas
  2. Hi renobird, first a big thank you for the module. I’m honest and must say, that I didn’t find the time to test it because I need to finish another project first. But, i definitely will test it and will come here and keep you updated. Anyway, a big thank you for the module! Cheers, Thomas
  3. Wow, that sounds like the solution to my problem. Okay, here is a reminder: reminder! ;-) Thanks renobird!
  4. Hello, thanks for your help! At first it sounds like a good solution, but considering that Page 1 and Page 2 are using the same template it could be difficult. User 1 is still able to edit Page 2 not only his own page, Page 1. Okay, the HiddenAdminPages module could help to just show User 1 his Page 1 plus Subpages, but considering that I not only have 2 pages but rather 50 pages and 50 users it takes a lot of work since I need to select all pages that must be hidden for each user. It would be a lot of work if I have 100 pages / 100 users and need to just add one more user, so I need to select all 100 pages for that new user not to be visible. Another theoretical solution (I didn’t tried that out yet) would be to have a template for each user, even if they look the same, means: Page 1 (Template 1) - Children 1.1 (Template 1-Child) Page 2 (Template 2) - Children 2.1 (Template 2-Child) User 1 got Role 1. User 2 got Role 2. Role 1 got access to Template 1 only. Role 2 got access to Template 2 only. That in mind, with 50 users we got 2 x 50 Templates (Parent + Child) with 50 Roles. At all it would be easier to set that up when I need to add a new user, but in the end you have a lot of templates and roles. Hmm...
  5. Hello together, this is my first post in this forum. I like to do the following: I have some users, let’s say 20-30 people that should only be able to edit their own pages. By using the "Page Edit Per User" module it’s mostly working in this way, that the user can edit his own page, okay. The problem is, that the user must be given the rights to add children pages, edit and sort them in the page tree inside "his" main page and it seems that the "Page Edit Per User" module is just limited. Let me give you an example. I have the following tree: Home Page 1 - Children 1.1 - Children 1.2 - Children 1.3 Page 2 - Children 2.1 - Children 2.2 - Children 2.3 . . . So, I also have two users: User 1 and User 2. User 1 needs to be the following rights: Edit, Delete, Move all children pages for Page 1 all other actions are not allowed. So, User 1 can NOT delete his main page, Page 1 or any other page "outside" Page 1. Any ideas on how to solve that? Thanks so much in advance for your ideas. -Thomas
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