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Miguel Scaramozzino

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About Miguel Scaramozzino

  • Birthday 10/26/1973

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  • Location
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  1. You are absolutely right sir! Adding the final slash fixes it. I've been using PW for years and I've never encountered that quirk. Thanks a lot!
  2. BTW my /test.php file receives the php://input contents just fine. That's why the module has no problem parsing it when loaded from outside the PW template system. This is weird. I guess it's now a question for Ryan.
  3. Yes, this is the problem clearly. I've tried $input->post->query but that won't work cause it's not form-data but a json body. So I've tried file_get_contents("php://input") and it comes up empty. There must be something wrong with my PW installation, cause I've created REST APIs in the past parsing json data from php://input with no issues at all. I will try to downgrade the PW core and see what happens.
  4. Here's something interesting, I've created a /test.php file with the following code: <?php namespace ProcessWire; require("index.php"); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($modules->get('ProcessGraphQL')->executeGraphQL(), true); This works fine. So there must be something wrong with the way that the graphql template is being processed. Maybe ProcessWire is taking control of the post body before it reaches the module and this doesn't happen when you bootstrap PW from an external file?
  5. Here it is: <?php namespace ProcessWire; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($modules->get('ProcessGraphQL')->executeGraphQL(), true);
  6. Hi! I'm getting this error when I post to /graphql: { "errors": [ { "message": "Syntax Error: Unexpected <EOF>", "extensions": { "category": "graphql" }, "locations": [ { "line": 1, "column": 1 } ] } ] } I'm using POST with Content-Type: application/json and the post body looks like this: { "query": "{ integrante { title } }" } When I try with GraphiQL (which posts to /processwire/setup/graphql instead of /graphql), everything works perfectly. Of course the templates are installed, field and templates access are configured, etc. I've tried using a public GraphQL API like https://countries.trevorblades.com/ and it works fine. What am I doing wrong? I've tried manually from Postman and also using Gatsby's gatsby-source-graphql plugin. Both get the same <EOF> error. It's a new blank ProcessWire installation, master branch. Please help! Thanks in advance!
  7. This is amazing. Migrations are the only feature I really missed from my FuelPHP days, a framework I stopped using after switching to PW. Cannot wait to try this out, thank you very much!
  8. I've installed the PayPal PHP SDK package using Composer and it got automatically loaded and I'm using it without doing anything else. This is really great, thank you Ryan!
  9. I've set $config->sessionFingerprint to 0 and it's working perfectly now, thank you Adrian!
  10. I'm having problems with a PW 2.7.3 instalation on PagodaBox. The user logins via backend or frontend and after a few page loads the user gets logged out for no apparent reason. I've tried both file and db sessions. Also at first I was using the LoginPersist module, but I also tried uninstalling it. Sessions seem to timeout about 60 seconds after login, sometimes they last only a few seconds. The exact same code doesn't show this problem on my development (Windows/Apache) and testing (Ubuntu/Apache) servers, but my PagodaBox production instances are constantly logging out the users. BTW I have 2 web instances, 1 mysql, 1 network storage (for site/assets) and 1 worker that processes the email queue in the background. I'm using PHP 5.6 with no strange extensions, just the usual ones (mysql, pdo, gd, curl, etc). Any ideas will be really appreciated!
  11. If the original HTML template (before it was converted to WP) is a good one, you should get very good HTML code, and it should be as easy as using any other HTML template. I've done it and the results were great, no repeated code, no messy stuff, and really quick, just a couple of hours at most.
  12. What I did once was downloading the entire template using a web crawler software like HTTrack. That leaves you with a simple HTML copy of the otherwise PHP/WP template. And then you can use it as you wish with ProcessWire.
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