Hello all,
currently I have the following incident with the insertion of an image. I created a field with the type images and added it in a template. I used this template for a new page creation and uploaded a image there. Then I inserted the image using the image button.
It looks like this (database and source button)
<p><img alt="" src="/site/assets/files/1064/bild-gruen.1455x0-is.png" width="768" /></p>
However, the following source code then appears on the server
<p><img alt="" src="" width="768" class="image-width-control" data-src="/site/assets/files/1064/bild-gruen.1455x0-is.png"></p>
Only an empty space appears instead of the image. If I debug the code here and replace it with the above code, then it works.
I don't understand what I have set wrong or what is manipulating the code wrong. Can anyone help me solving this incident please?