So I ended up modifying the core to cope with this... (yeah I know this is not a good idea but I need this to be functional for my Chinese clients)
In WireUpload.php line 240 I added:
$filename = 'file-' . $filename;
$filename = $this->getTargetFilename($filename);
$filename = $this->validateFilename($filename);
This will force every file uploaded to start with a 'file-' prefix so that the system will not have files with a filename consisting Chinese characters only.
However I ran into another problem:
If I upload 'test.jpg', I get 'file-test.jpg' which is good.
But if I upload '未命名.jpg', I get 'file-' instead, missing the extension.
Then, if I upload '未命名.jpg' again, I get 'file--1.' again missing the extension but with a trailing dot...
This inconsistency is really just weird to me. For English filenames I got the extension, for the first Chinese filename I got the filename without the extension. And if I upload another file of Chinese filename, I got the filename and the dot (e.g.: file--1. )
Despite all this, I can still view these files as images in my browser, so ...../file-test.jpg , ...../file- , ........../file--1. all display the image without any error.
If I insist I need to modify the core in order to make this work (before any official fix is available). Where is the best place to do so? The way I did it works in some sense but produces all these weird filenames which are not really desirable.
Anyone familiar with the core willing to help out here? Thank you so much in advance!