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  1. I haven't given that any thought but I guess it would not be pretty. You'd have to maintain the layout for all languages. You can go to the source tab of the editor and copy/paste it to the other languages so you could take it from there.
  2. I like repeaters for structuring data. For building a layout, not so much. I've seen the demo's on this forum of people using repeaters in creative ways to build a layout, but it never looks very intuitive to me. I've grown to dislike this approach so I've been looking at other content management systems for inspiration. Bolt CMS uses Article Editor, which is a nice (paid) javascript solution that's basically an advanced wysiwyg editor with support for grids and other nice features. I decided to integrate this into Processwire as an inputfield. Here's a demo: I created a few plugins for Article Editor that take care of uploaded images, inserting links and Hanna code support for adding dynamic bits to the editor. And the field also works in repeaters. You can pass your CSS to the editor so that the editor preview should look identical to the real page. I am using Bootstrap. A bonus of building a page this way is that the whole layout is stored in a single field so there should be fewer requests to the database compared to repeaters. Please note that since Article Editor is not free, you need a license to use it. I've been working on this module on and off for a while. There are refinements to be made, like perhaps loading the Hanna code previews dynamically (they are currently inserted into the editor after saving the page). Not sure if it would be good enough to release publicly but I thought I'd share it anyway because I'd like to hear if you think this is a nice approach :)
  3. Sorry, I misunderstood the problem. So PW is generating https links instead of http links for localhost:8080. Have you tried visiting http://mysite.ddev.site/processwire? Do those URL's get 'upgraded' to https as well?
  4. So the problem is that PW refuses to generate links for localhost:8080? If I add two domains to $config->httpHosts then depending on which domain I open the site on, the backend will generate the correct links. Have you tried setting up the webpack development server with a custom domain on port 80? Like mysite.webpack.ddev.site?
  5. I have user Serverpilot back when they had a free tier and was very happy with it. For my local development I used Vagrant and was able to install Serverpilot in my Vagrant machine so my development and production environments were 100% identical. That's a big plus!
  6. Marc

    other CMSs

    Speaking of Kirby (which I agree is awesome), Bolt 4 was recently released and offers a similar way of setting up your fields. It looks promising as well.
  7. I have played around just a little with Aimeos for Symfony. It is very fast. I have not looked at their API's, but it looks like you can use a JSON API to fetch products on your PW front end and manipulate a basket as well. It looks like there is an admin API as well for manipulating products, but not orders (maybe I overlooked it). So I think you will end up working in the Processwire CMS for all your regular content and work in the Aimeos backend for everything sales related. Which may or may not be acceptable to you. The benefit is that for the e-commerce side, you have something dedicated and more robust than a pure PW solution. Have you looked it Sylius? It is build from the ground up to be extended and modified. Based on Symfony. I have installed and modified it and it looks like a superb e-commerce package to me. It will not be 'easy' to integrate these solutions with PW, however. There is also Shopware. This has a beautiful backend plus it comes with pretty solid content management from what I can tell, so you may not even need Processwire. I hope this helps a little. Having worked with Padloper for a few extensive e-commerce projects, I would not use it again unless the shop is very basic. So I share your urge to plugin a dedicated e-commerce solution, but it may not make sense.
  8. Nice to see ProcessWire being used in the Netherlands. Too bad I live a two hour drive away from you guys (I'm from the south). Is working mostly from home an option? (I am a native Dutch speaker btw.)
  9. You are correct, RockFinder2 was not available. I installed the module and ignored the TracyDebugger dependency warning. Since it DID successfully install ProcessRockFinder2, I assumed everything was alright. Anyway, I installed the debugger and reinstalled RockFinder2 and now it's up and running. Silly mistake on my part and sorry for bothering you about this! I got your example of including the template name working, thanks for your help! I hope you won't mind if I ask you another question. The docs for RockFinder2 briefly mention repeaters, and state that columns musts be defined manually. What exactly do you mean by this? Could you provide an example? With RockFinder1 you can do $finder->addField("repeatername", ["fieldname"]) but this is no longer the case with RockFinder2.
  10. I would like to try this out so I have just downloaded RockFinder2 from github, however even the simplest test won't work for me: $rf = new RockFinder2(); $rf->find("parent=1"); $rf->addColumns(["title"]); Using this on the front end, it generates the error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function __invoke() on null in /site/modules/RockFinder2/RockFinder2.module.php:746". Also getting this notice: "Trying to get property of non-object in /site/modules/RockFinder2/RockFinder2.module.php on line 801" RockFinder1 is working properly.
  11. Is there an efficient way to get the template name or at least the template ID in the RockFinder results? I'm doing a query for all children of a particular page and those children can have different templates and I need to know which template each page has. Excellent module btw ?
  12. This has been my manager of choice but sadly no longer. Since I put LineageOs on my Android phone (without the Google Play Store) it is impossible to activicate my registered copy of Enpass. I bet you did not know this ? I moved to Bitwarden as a result.
  13. Thanks for pointing this out, that looks like an acceptable workaround.
  14. I want to have a custom page under Settings in the admin that shows a PageTable field. I have it setup as follows: Created a Process module that installs a page under /admin/settings. This page has the admin template and points to my module's process. A page that has a template which holds the PageTable field. This page holds the children of the PageTable. The execute function of the module renders a form that gets the inputfields from the page I mentionend above. When I execute the module, a form is successfully rendered with the PageTable field. It looks like this: However, after pressing 'Add New' and saving a new item, the form reloads and I see this: The new item is saved but not listed in the field. I also tried this with a repeater field, which has a similar defect. Other types of fields like a text field work fine. When I add the PageTable field to the template of a regular page and edit that page, it works as expected. Only when accessing the field through my Process module's page it does not work correctly. I'm sure there's a fix for this. I think the form does not know what page to link the PageTable entries to perhaps?
  15. Thank you for helping me understand this. Now I managed to get it working! I give my replacement field an exta attribute called 'replaced' and the hook is only allowed to do its job if the field does not have that extra attribute. Like this: wire()->addHookAfter('Inputfield::render', function($event) { if (wire('page')->template != "account") return; $inputfield = $event->object; if ($inputfield->attr('name') == "profile_pad_countrycode" && $inputfield->attr('replaced') != "yes") { $replacement = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSelect'); $replacement->label = 'Land code'; $replacement->attr('name', 'profile_pad_countrycode'); $replacement->attr('class', 'uk-select'); $replacement->attr('replaced', 'yes'); // This is essential to prevent a loop. Check for this value when the hook starts. $optionsArray = ['test']; $replacement->addOptions($optionsArray); $event->return = $replacement->render(); } });
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