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  1. Thanks for this plugin! This should be on the Front-Page in the first post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18677244/error-invalid-client-no-application-name
  2. Hi, this is exactly the way how my template "row-divs" works, but it also spreads the divs evenly across the row (2divs; col-md-6) or with specified col-size. Of course I could add this to homePage, (parent page) but this would come with 2 limitations I don't want: 1) you can't move/order the row/rows on the page, (this way it can be moved on admin backend, because they are pages ) 2) I have different row-templates, one example is the slider, also with children, which are required to be presented as single pages the render() function works very wel, thanks. Thanks for all the replies. I'm just moving from Wordpress to ProcessWire and it is a dream!
  3. Hi, thanks for your reply! This is what I have been looking for! I saw PageTable, but it isn't exactly what I need. The Use-case for col-divs is just one. This way I could have a template row-sliders and assign row-sliders children with the actual slides. Those slides actually need to be pages.
  4. Hi, I'd like to build a dynamic page, where I can define rows and coloumns, with bootstrap. I have implemented bootstrap and everything is working fine, I'm just a bit confused how to output a page inside a page. The reason I want to do this is because you can't have repeaters inside repeaters as I have read. So I thought i do it this way: homePage -- homePageContent -- -- row-divs -- -- row-slider -- -- row-etc For example, the row-divs is a template with a repeater, made out of a Fieldset with Title + Text. the row-divs is a template, where I loop through the repeater, dynamicly calculating the "col-md-x" size and limiting the divs per row. Now my problem is, that I want to output the whole page with the template "row-divs" in homePage. Pseudocode: $subPages = $page->children('title=homePageContent")->first; foreach($subPages as $subPage): echo $subPage; endforeach; This should output row-divs, etc the way it would be outputted as single page, like: <row> -- <div 1> -- <div 2> </row> <row> -- <div 1> -- <div 2> -- <div 3> </row> if e.g. there are 2 pages in homePageContent with row-divs template, one with 2 divs and one with 3 divs. I know I could achieve this by outputtung the fields of the children by hand, but I pretty sure processwire is able to output a page in a page formatted with its template, but I couldn't find it in the docs... Thanks
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