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Everything posted by jtherczeg

  1. I'm glad to inform you that today I completed the rough translation for the latest PW dev branch, so the process turned to the correcting and testing phase.
  2. @adrian, thank you for your tip. Just submitted the above issue at GitHub.
  3. I stumbled upon this duplicated "from" in file \wire\modules\Process\ProcessModule\ProcessModule.module, at line 576: Error decoding JSON from from web service Please correct it, or if you wish I can create a pull request at GitHub.
  4. There are a couple of online translation/localization tools, free for open source projects. I think it would be worth to investigate them and choose one.
  5. Though this topic is old enough, let me pick it up again. I also encourage you to move the localization to Transifex. From the view of translators, it is amazing that the translated strings are stored in translation memory, so in the case of an update a translator needn't start his job from scratch, but can leverage the already existing translations. Additionally, it supports team work, so multiple translators can apply for the translation of a project, adding reviewer privilege for the best translators, the quality assurance may be provided. In the case of multiple languages, the challenge of "who is faster" may motivate your translators to complete a job as soon as possible - a kind of international competition.
  6. Splendid idea, Manfred62 Thanks a lot for the link to the PW 2.5 language pack.
  7. Heya, everybody! The Hungarian language pack for Processwire is on the way. I will post here about the stages of the translation process. Stay tuned!
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