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  1. The Hungarian language pack has been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.10 Download: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/hungarian/

  2. Santa Claus, with a little delay, brought to you an updated Hungarian language pack for ProcessWire 2.5.10, including the strings for the latest improvements, e.g. the threaded commenting system. Totally 7 files changed. The changelog for this release is available on the GitHub Project page, as before. Download the full package via the ProcessWire Modules Directory: http://mods.pw/7h
  3. When choosing the most appropriate localization platform, before obliging with Weblate, please consider if it supports different access levels for translators. Regular translators would contribute actually to the rough translation, while proofreaders (having more translation experiences, may also have permission to translate) can check the quality of the provided translations. When a localization is in quality assurance stage, regular translators may only suggest translations, when they find a better solution. Another important criteria if the API of the chosen localization platform supported the automatic file conversion to the required JSON format. I recently translated for Sourcefabric on Transifex. After a certain interval of time the affected files were automatically updated in their GitHub repository. As a result of this intention for centralization, a further step may be to connect to this translation repo during the installation process of ProcessWire and select and download the needed languages. Regarding the documentation, why an external solution is needed? The Translate extension for MediaWiki enables you to translate the content into different languages. Install MediaWiki on a subdomain and start to work.
  4. Hungarian language pack is available for ProcessWire 2.5.8

  5. Followed up the development of ProcessWire, the Hungarian language pack has been updated for PW 2.5.8. From PW 2.5.6 to PW 2.5.8, totally 10 translation files were updated, 1 new file was added. Translation changelogs for each release are available on the GitHub Project page. Download the full package via the ProcessWire Modules Directory: http://mods.pw/7h
  6. Hello, Christophe! The PW translation project on Transifex is obsolete. PW has an "in-house" developed Language Translator module for translating the files, having the advantage of to be able to test and proofread your job on the fly. I highly recommend you to read the Language Translation Updates blog post. This tool can detect the blank lines and the abandoned ones in a language file, this helps your job in updating a translation file. BTW, if you browsed Modules Directory / Language Packs, you might find the French language pack for PW 2.2.
  7. Hungarian language pack has been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.5

  8. The Hungarian translation files just have been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.5. This time no existing files were changed, but 2 new files were added. They are as follows: wire--modules--system--systemnotifications--systemnotifications-module.json wire--modules--system--systemnotifications--systemnotificationsconfig-php.json Download the full package via the ProcessWire Modules Directory: http://mods.pw/7h
  9. Hungarian translation files have been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.4, including the translations of 2 new core modules.

  10. The Hungarian translation files just have been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.4. This time the following three files changed: wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypedatetime-module.json wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagetable--inputfieldpagetable-module.json wire--modules--process--processtemplate--processtemplate-module.json The translation of the 2 latest core modules were added: wire--modules--process--processrecentpages--processrecentpages-module.json wire--modules--system--systemnotifications--systemnotifications-module.json Download the full package via the ProcessWire Modules Directory: http://mods.pw/7h
  11. The updated Hungarian translation files for ProcessWire 2.5.2 have been released.

  12. The Hungarian translation files have been updated for ProcessWire 2.5.2. Actually two files changed, they are as follows: wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldfile--inputfieldfile-module.json wire--modules--process--processmodule--processmodule-module.json And three new files were committed, for the Reno theme: wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemereno--adminthemereno-module.json wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemereno--adminthemerenohelpers-php.json wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemereno--debug-inc.json Get the full package via the ProcessWire Modules Directory: http://mods.pw/7h
  13. Updating the translation files for ProcessWire 2.5.2

  14. Hey, Nico! Thank you for drawing my attention for this. Just now corrected the title and class name.
  15. I committed today the Hungarian translation files of the following three site modules to GitHub: Database Backups Export Site Profiles Video Embed for YouTube/Vimeo
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