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  1. You bet I did. Hey, great for Mike that he found a project that is more in line with what he needs out of a CMS and congrats on hiring the lead developer to work on the site, that's not something everybody can do. But his arguments against WordPress, especially around bloat and plugins are flawed. So of course I was negative. As for PW, hey, take it as a case study on the platforms New User Experience. I had a negative experience, so I wrote about my negative experience.
  2. Not a problem. I also wanted to join because in my seven years of sort of being the beat reporter for the WordPress community and ecosystem, I might be able to lend some advice or point folks in the right direction for this young, up and coming platform. For instance, I see you folks already had a conversation about a module validation team and how to treat it because apparently, that's one of the big negatives of WordPress, the wild west plugin directory which isn't as wild as people make it out to be.
  3. Hello there, I'm the author of the article on WPTavern, the infamous 30 minute trial article! I figured it would be nice to go to where the conversation is versus the other way around. So if you have any questions for me regarding my experience or anything else for that matter, I'm registered to the forum, but wouldn't want to derail the purpose of this thread. Also, thank you to those who have responded to the article in a respectful manner. I'm sure some of you think my article is like someone taking a crap on the project which is not what I did. The article is a simple documentation of my efforts to use and learn about the platform in 30 minutes in which case, that's all it took for me to decide it wasn't for me. The question is, how many people find ProcessWire, install it, and don't even give it 30 minutes before reaching the same conclusion? Is that even a concern or are those the people you don't want as part of your userbase anyways? Anyways, I'm happy to start a new thread specifically about my article or if someone else wants to do it. *** Moderator *** This topic was splitted from here. the original article that is discussed here can be found from here. -apeisa
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