This is a great solution, thanks!
My ready.php hook:
$wire->addHookAfter('Fieldtype::markupValue', function($event) {
$page = $event->arguments(0);
$field = $event->arguments(1);
if($field->type == 'FieldtypeTextareaLanguage' or $field->type == 'FieldtypeTextarea') {
$displayValue = strip_tags($page->get($field));
if(strlen($displayValue) > 100) {
$displayValue = substr($displayValue,0,97).'...';
else {
$displayValue = $page->get($field);
$event->return = $displayValue;
Only problem I am seeing now: after the modal window to edit the pageTable fragment closes, the content refreshes and shows the full content again. The URL that requests the new content is this one:
Any idea how I can hook into the refresh? I will try the runtime property option too, just in case.