Hi, Recently i came across a strange behaviour of core image cropping function. My Core version is Dev 2.6.17, OpenServer (Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.6) I have an image like that:
And when i try to crop it with that code:
$img = wire('pages')->get(1850)->page_header_images->eq(1)->crop(0, $i*80, 1280, 80); // crop($x, $y, $w, $h)
echo "<img src=\"{$img->url}\"><br/><br/>";
I get always get the same peaces of picture though it has different $y
I also have a problem when i use resize/crop interface in modal window in page editor.
I wanted to post n issue to github, but would like to ask you to check if you can reproduce this behavior