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Philipp Nowinski

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Everything posted by Philipp Nowinski

  1. RT @TyrannosrsREX: When you can't express your feelings... http://t.co/mwywbax1k9

  2. The first time the concept of "followers" made sense to me was when I discovered @TheTweetOfGod

  3. The interesting part is, that two years ago, it would have been the other way round...

  4. git push -u onion master <- might tell me something? O_O

  5. I don't like Freya as the new name but I understand the reasons for dropping Isis http://t.co/mnr4aXXSJ7

  6. I remember the golden times when webdevelopment was about guestbooks and visitor counters and javascript was still an evil thing..

  7. RT @pickover: Retweet if you understand the meaning behind this complex enigma. http://t.co/7mIbNqSk8m

  8. RT @codepo8: I work at Mozilla because there are no secret projects and you can take our code and be creative with it. We do open source, n…

  9. #BuntSpenden. Support the petition on gay blood donors on http://t.co/fYQeODQyqY. Raise your voice now.

  10. Resolve css imports with gulp-cssimport http://t.co/QeBQZjDvE4 #blogged

  11. RT @richardhuckvale: Just won an #iPad mini 16gb in work I already have one so RT this & I'll pick a lucky winner #HappyFriday #Apple http:…

  12. Hmm. Back in the days when I was doing PHP, I learned about some 'bad practices'. Somehow, a lot of them made it into Wordpress #justranting

  13. RT @klick_ass: How to get shitty clients in 3 easy steps: http://t.co/tMRJ3Djvn9)

  14. Ordentlich Holz, aber absolut hörenswert! Großartige @workingdraft Episode mit @janl. Viel OpenSource Kram.. http://t.co/gHdKtlkUuM

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