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Everything posted by sendxt

  1. I can't overwrite information with the admin panel, I rewritable nothing is saved. and in the cell to the database, there are two identical fields What to do?
  2. The problem is after move processwire from one server to other, all work good , but i can't coonecting to my admin profile, 'login failed'. I try change my home page : $user = $users->get("user's name"); $user->pass = "user's new password"; $user->save(); but it still does not work I don't know that me to do, maybe need put script to create new admin user? if you have such a script, give me please)
  3. why this kind of links are formed? /site/assets/files/1012/ foreach($page->nuoma as $field) { echo '<div class="small-12 columns large-6 columns bobkat-nuoma">'; echo '<a class="fancybox" rel="gallery1" href="'.$field->big_img->eq(0)->url.'">'; echo '<img src="' .$field->small_img->first()->url. '" alt=""></a>'; echo '<h2>'.$field->bobkat_name .'</h2>'; echo $field->body; echo '<span>'.$field->price.'</span>'; echo '</div>'; } if doing second cycle inside, i can only take one repeater field , me need two small_img and big_img, unless there is no way how to display ?
  4. Hello, need help with output repeater field: I try to do so <?php $i = 0; foreach($page->nuoma as $field) { $i++; echo '<div class="small-12 columns large-6 columns bobkat-nuoma">'; echo '<a class="fancybox" rel="gallery1" href="'.$field->big_img->eq($i)->url.'">'; echo '<img src="' .$field->small_img->eq($i)->url. '" alt=""></a>'; echo '<h2>'.$field->bobkat_name .'</h2>'; echo $field->body; echo '<span>'.$field->price.'</span>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> For some reason I can not get the full link to pictures how to display pictures from repeater field? here is field
  5. foreach($page->img as $k) { foreach($k->small_img as $image) { echo '<div class="break">'; echo '<a class="fancybox-thumb" id="frame-4" rel="fancybox-thumb" href="'.$image->url.'" title="">'; echo '<img class="img-4" src="'.$image->url.'" alt=""></a>'; echo '</div>'; } } work like this, but how to do with foreach two field ? http://prntscr.com/3rdho9
  6. I did so with text, was good. foreach($page->product_name as $field) { echo '<p class="name">'.$field->sub_name.'</p>'; echo '<p class="service">'.$field->sub_text.'</p></td>'; } with picture so can not be done?
  7. but i can't make foreach ( $f->images as $image ) // because in my repeater field -> two fields for big_img and small_img (( Or need to do one field and put there small and big img ?
  8. Hi there;) I have problem with images repeater, i can't return him with to the cycle. I do it so: <?php foreach($page->img as $k) { $small = $k->small_img->first(); $big = $k->big_img->first(); echo '<div class="break">'; echo '<a class="fancybox-thumb" id="frame-4" rel="fancybox-thumb" href="'.$big->url.'" title="">; echo '<img class="img-4" src="'.$small->url.'" alt=""></a>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> foreach return me only one field from array , but I know that there are more, how me return all elements from img ?
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