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Everything posted by mervin

  1. those are mysql credentials User: latentli_mervin Database: latentli_saco host localhost:3306 password 1234test
  2. the thing is the project is running pretty well on localhost and i when i deployed it using the cpanel onto live server, the project still runs well, but only that i am unable to log in on the login.php form. the text boxes just get cleared when i try to submit the inputted data. i dont really know what to do . i will be very gratefull if any assistance is given.
  3. alright, i thought i would just zip everything at once. index.php <?PHP if(file_exists('config/config.php')) header('Location: login.php'); else header(''); ?> login.php start.php functions.php config.php <?PHP define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define ('DB_USER', 'latentli_test'); define ('DB_PASS', '12345'); define ('DB_NAME', 'latentli_test'); ?> pepper.php <?PHP /** * Password pepper */ $pepper = 'pc?yACRCM='; ?> i really cant figure out why i cant fetch data from the online server while the same pieces of code are working well on localhost.
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