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  1. Well, I have somehow forgotten that you could control this by using the template. My mistake. Nevertheless, many thanks for the quick help!
  2. Hi, i would like to use for my Processwire project a secure https connection instead of a regular http connection. For this reason i installed a valid ssl certificate and added a new htaccess rule and condition to my htaccess file: RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://domain.tld/$1 [R,L] Now, when i try to access the page via „http://domain.tld/application/xyz“ i get redirected to „https://domain.tld/?it=application/xyz“. Does anyone know how the rule must be adjusted so that the rewriting is still working correctly? The problem only appears if the user comes from a http url. Thanks Tom
  3. Thank you! Problem successfully resolved. That's what I was looking for.
  4. I want to use ProcessWire as a single-page webapp, which is then mainly delivered as iOS Web Application (also known as "Save to Home Screen"). As authentication I use the existing resources, which means that you are working with sessions. The problem is that once you get the app closed the cookie that is set on sessions will be completely deleted. This means that the user must re-authenticate again every time he closes the app. My question would be how to implement a permanent solution for this for ProcessWire? Should i use an auth token for this case which is passed via an get parameter? Or can i change the expiring time for the main session (i changed $config->sessionExpireSeconds but it seems to affect only the challenge cookie)?
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