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Everything posted by qlex

  1. Nico Knoll: thanx ! we installed the rss module without any problems just by hitting install. to follow your suggestions, for number 3, we would need ftp access or is it doable just through admin ?
  2. adrian, thanks for the info. Before my programmer helps me, I understand I can go ahead and hit "install" next to Markup RSS Feed. Then we would need to add piece of that code somewhere in those pages, that we want the rss feed to be created. No need to display it on the client website (for the time being!), but important to get URL of the feed with news that we could parse with our app. By installing and adding RSS, can the live site be broken - or is it rather secure to add this ?
  3. Hi, congrats on processwire cms - it looks very clean and nice ! I have been asked by a client of mine, who is using processwire to update his website (somebody has created website using processwire and he's not available to help anymore) to login to admin panel and see if he can add rss support. I need that RSS enabled (for a couple of pages, that he's updating regularly) so that my software (digital signage system) can parse and display his news. How should i start and do it - without "breaking" his website ? After i login, i can see in modules section that there's "install" button next to Markup RSS Feed (which is strike-through). After that, is there anything more I should do ? I have only access to panel, but not to ftp etc. Thanks for your assistance! Qlex
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