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Posts posted by vgraveto

  1. I want to call a JavaScript function when my field InputfieldRadios changes and I used the line:

    where changeParticipants() is my JavaScript function.
    When rendering the form is not adding the OnChange="changeParticipants()" to the Input field !!
    What am I doing wrong?
  2. OK. It is working.

    One more thing if you can?

    When using InputfieldForm is there a easy way to include a "recaptcha" for form validation ?

    In other words is there a way to include a generic "echo" ilike:

    echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);
    in the InputfieldForm render process? 
  3. Thanks Adrian,

    Sorry but I did not explain well my need. 

    I need some "static" fields in the middle of my form, but I need them to be visible to the enduser. What I need is to disable them form being changed by the user.

    The issue is that I would like the form object to render them as it renders the other input fields.

  4. Thanks all for the great help. I have my form up And running.

    But I need some more help. How can I add to my InputfieldForm a static field, or better I need to add several static fields to my form that the user can not change but I need to change there values in my php code.

    I tried to add a fieldtextType but I got an error message.

    Is there a way to use an inputfield and disable it from user input?

  5. Ok. Now I have this lines in my head section:

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.css?v=103' rel='stylesheet' />

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCheckboxes/InputfieldCheckboxes.css?v=100' rel='stylesheet' />

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/templates-admin/styles/inputfields.css' rel='stylesheet' />

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/templates-admin/styles/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.css' rel='stylesheet' />

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryWireTabs/JqueryWireTabs.css?v=103' rel='stylesheet' />

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/JqueryCore.js?v=162'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.js?v=180'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.js?v=103'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js'></script>


    It is working good, just one last issue: The button that we click to call the datapicker is huge. Any idea which style should I use to change it?

    I would also need a code example of how to group two or more Inputfields. I have 5 Inputfields and I need to group them in two groups, one with the first 3 and the other with 2. I am using InputfieldForm and just appending each field to the form:


    Is there a way to present the fields in groups?

    I am really new to PW but I think it is a very good framework.

    Thanks again for your support.

  6. Sorry again, but that line is on my previous post, it is the link type:

    <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.css?v=103'rel='stylesheet' />

    Is any thing wrong in this line, I have copied it from the admin page where the datapicker is working.

    ​Those it exist any css for the datapicker it self ?

  7. With your great help I am almost there. I include in my header the lines:

            <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.css?v=103' rel='stylesheet' />

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/JqueryCore.js?v=162'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.js?v=180'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.js?v=103'></script>

            <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js'></script>

    I do not know how, or where to use the the $config lines suggested by Adrian, could you help?

    Now "it works but" it is not nice, buttons are very large and calendar is transparent!!! I suppose I am missing a css?

    There is something missing!!

  8. I had a syntax error in the code "datapicker", but I changed already to "datepicker" and it does not work yet.

    // get the conference date and time

    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldDatetime");

    $field->label = "Conference Date";


    $field->required = 1;

    $field->datepicker = 1// picker on Click

    $field->dateInputFormat = 'Y/m/d';

    $field->timeInputFormat = 'H:i';


    I am using version 2.2.2 of pw


  9. I am new to process wire.

    I am using InputfieldForm to create an Input form in my site with some text fields and one Datetime files:

    // get the conference date and time

    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldDatetime");

    $field->label = "Conference Date";


    $field->required = 1;

    $field->datapicker = 2; // picker on Click

    $field->dateInputFormat = 'Y/m/d';

    $field->timeInputFormat = 'H:i';



    The form works Ok, but the data picker is never there!!!


    The Datapicker is working Ok in the admin panel!!


    I also need some help in how to change the stytes in my InputfieldForm, an example with one or two fields is perfect.


    Can any one help me



    Vitor Garcia Graveto


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