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  1. GuruMeditation's post in how could i delete a page instantly, without moving to Trash was marked as the answer   
    $pages->delete($page, true)
    That will also permanently delete any child pages, media items etc.
  2. GuruMeditation's post in Thumbnails fun (CropImage) was marked as the answer   
    I just usually do something along these lines....
    <?php $thumb = $page->cropimage->getThumb('thumbnail'); echo "<img src='{$thumb}' alt='{$page->cropimage->description}'>"; ?>
  3. GuruMeditation's post in Is this forum also available as a module? was marked as the answer   
    It's been debated a few times before.
    I'm currently working on a simple forum based on comments, but it's very basic and isn't a module, so it's not something I'll be releasing etc, it just fits in with my site.
    If you want a forum like this one, then you'll definitely be better off using dedicated software as suggested. But for a simple one, I'd advise to have a go yourself, as you will learn a lot. I've learnt so much since joining up here, I keep rewriting my code as there are always more efficient ways.
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