Hi there!
first of all, this is a great module Nevertheless, i was missing one little thing, and that was the possibility to style your map with a style from snazzy maps. So i tried to get it in there...
I don't know if that's the right way, but it works:
in MarkupGoogleMap.module:
$MapStyle = $options['mapStyle']; // adding a field 'mapStyle'...
$id = $options['id'];
$out = '';
if($n === 1) $out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$this->config->urls->MarkupGoogleMap}MarkupGoogleMap.js'></script>";
$out .= "<div id='$id' class='$options[class]'$style></div>";
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>" .
"if(typeof google === 'undefined' || typeof google.maps === 'undefined') { " .
"alert('MarkupGoogleMap Error: Please add the maps.googleapis.com script in your document head.'); " .
"} else { " .
"var $id = new MarkupGoogleMap(); " .
"$id.setOption('zoom', $zoom); " .
"$id.setOption('styles', $MapStyle); " . // and outputting it here to the js.
"$id.setOption('mapTypeId', google.maps.MapTypeId.$type); " .
($options['icon'] ? "$id.setIcon('$options[icon]'); " : "") .
($options['useHoverBox'] ? "$id.setHoverBox('" . str_replace("'", '"', $options['hoverBoxMarkup']) . "');" : "") .
"$id.init('$id', $lat, $lng); ";
As i said, it works, but i'm not too sure if it's right. Also, i'd like to add the option to the admin panel, but i'm not too sure how...