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Everything posted by ZalnarT

  1. Hey Soma, great module Anyway, when i'm uploading images, i get an error: Pageimage::__construct requires instance of Pageimages the first image appears in the list, but has no thumbnail... Also, when browsing to the gallery page, i get a 404. I created the templates without a file (in the admin cp) to test things, could that be a problem?
  2. Wow, thank you This is what i was looking for. Bootstrap isn't the easiest of all things, but i'm used to it by now, so there's not really a point in learning something new just yet, since i'm in the middle of something... *returns to work* Thanks again
  3. Hi! Fisrt of all: Great module, it saved me a lot of work But i've run into an issue: I'm trying to use this as a sidebar navigation, so i figured an accordion style collapsible list would look better. Usually this would be simple, but bootstraps js uses ids to select the toggleable items. I'd have to put those into 'inner_tpl'. What i tried was the following: function sideNavItems(HookEvent $event){ $item = $event->arguments('page'); // first level items need additional attr if($item->numChildren(true) && count($item->parents) < 2){ $title = $item->get("title|name"); $event->return = '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#'.$item->get("title").'">' . $title . ' <b class="caret"></b></a>'; } // submenus don't need class and data attribs if($item->numChildren(true) && count($item->parents) > 1){ $event->return = '<a href="#">' . $item->get("title|name") . '</a>'; } } (adding the title as data-target). This would work great, if i had the possibility to add an id to the inner_tpl... I can't figure out how to do that. Any suggestions?
  4. Hi there! first of all, this is a great module Nevertheless, i was missing one little thing, and that was the possibility to style your map with a style from snazzy maps. So i tried to get it in there... I don't know if that's the right way, but it works: in MarkupGoogleMap.module: $MapStyle = $options['mapStyle']; // adding a field 'mapStyle'... $id = $options['id']; $out = ''; if($n === 1) $out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$this->config->urls->MarkupGoogleMap}MarkupGoogleMap.js'></script>"; $out .= "<div id='$id' class='$options[class]'$style></div>"; $out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>" . "if(typeof google === 'undefined' || typeof google.maps === 'undefined') { " . "alert('MarkupGoogleMap Error: Please add the maps.googleapis.com script in your document head.'); " . "} else { " . "var $id = new MarkupGoogleMap(); " . "$id.setOption('zoom', $zoom); " . "$id.setOption('styles', $MapStyle); " . // and outputting it here to the js. "$id.setOption('mapTypeId', google.maps.MapTypeId.$type); " . ($options['icon'] ? "$id.setIcon('$options[icon]'); " : "") . ($options['useHoverBox'] ? "$id.setHoverBox('" . str_replace("'", '"', $options['hoverBoxMarkup']) . "');" : "") . "$id.init('$id', $lat, $lng); "; As i said, it works, but i'm not too sure if it's right. Also, i'd like to add the option to the admin panel, but i'm not too sure how...
  5. Hi everyone I'm trying to put the map into my sidebar (i'm still using the default sidebar approach). the sidebar is in head.inc, the map would be in a template. Is it possible to append the $map-variable to the sidebar field or do i have to work around that? Code for the sidebar (this is in head.inc): if($page->sidebar) echo $page->sidebar; else echo $homepage->sidebar; $map (this will be in event.php, a template): $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); echo $map->render($page, 'map', array('markerTitleField' => 'mapMarkerTitle', 'useMarkerSettings' => 'true', 'markerLinkField' => '', 'useHoverBox' => false, 'icon' => $config->urls->templates . 'images/marker.png' )); You can view the page here: http://caladthalad.larp-treibgut.de/web/events/calad-thalad-6/ the map should appear above the navigation right to the content. I'd be more than thankful if someone had a suggestion^^ Edit: Okay, i found my problem (i guess): I was trying to change the sidebar after it was rendered, which doesn't make much sense^^
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