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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. I have for a while now been trying unsuccessfully to login as another user on my development site, so I can be sure they see what I want them to and check my permissions. I am running version from 11/2/2014 (2.5.7). After clearing cache and cookies I can get in as superuser/admin but not as anyone with my 'manager' role. When I try it gets into a redirect loop. Anyone have any ideas, or similar experience. Tried debugging this but to no avail. If you require more information, let me know what you need and I will get it for you. Here is a screenshot of the permissions page for manager role.
  2. Yes exactly right. And I have solved my own problem, but thanks for getting back to me. Just noticed that the Ace Body field that was getting repeated had been incorrectly entered. the anchor tag was not closed, causing it to bleed everywhere. Closed the tag and now all works as expected. My bad. But thanks once again for getting back to me. I hope I can continue to optimize this further, but for now it is nice and easy to drop in sections/columns and everything as and where I want. Lots of re-use. By the way, i like your use of "row header" and "row content" I will make use of that in my optimization.
  3. I am having issues rendering child pages. I am trying to create an easy means of structuring pages for use with bootstrap 3. Adding field selectors for some common css constructs such as pad and column count and additional css classes. Then I am adding in common bootstrap 3 constructs as reusable templates. When things are simple I use a ckeditor body field to out put the final content. But for something more complex at the end I use Ace text editor body field. An example Section - template -- Container - template ----Row - template ------Column - template --------Sub Column - template with Ace Body text My issue is that after the first Ace Body text is rendered, that same body text is appearing everywhere I render page children. Please see attached image for issue markup. I have also included a subset of my template files for reference below /** * Column template */ <div class="row <?php if($page->pad_select!=none) echo 'pad' . $page->pad_select; ?> <?php if($page->additional_css_classes) echo $page->additional_css_classes; ?>"> <?php foreach($page->children as $child) echo $child->render(); ?> </div> /* * Row template */ <div class="row <?php if($page->pad_select!=none) echo 'pad' . $page->pad_select; ?> <?php if($page->additional_css_classes) echo $page->additional_css_classes; ?>"> <?php foreach($page->children as $child) echo $child->render(); ?> </div> /* * Sub column template (The one causing the issue - I think) */ <div class="<?php if ($page->col_select_sm!=none) echo 'col-sm-' . $page->col_select_sm; ?> <?php if ($page->col_select_md!=none) echo 'col-md-' . $page->col_select_md; ?> <?php if ($page->col_select_lg!=none) echo 'col-lg-' . $page->col_select_lg; ?> <?php if($page->pad_select!=none) echo 'pad' . $page->pad_select; ?> <?php if($page->additional_css_classes) echo $page->additional_css_classes; ?>"> <?php echo $page->body; ?> <?php echo $page->ace_body; ?> </div> Any ideas why the first ace_body is now getting repeated all over my page. By the way, this is for a single page layout. It may not be the best way to go about it. I am just experimenting for now as I learn.
  4. Thanks for the reply, will look deeper into this. I was actually looking into updating an existing module, but it has turned out to go way beyond my capabilities at the moment. Glad I brought some attention to that point though. I am hoping to get more experience with PW, and as I found with Drupal, every little setback/misunderstanding is very informative.
  5. I hope this is not off topic, and is also not the incorrect place to ask this. I am still learning how to interact with the forums, especially for support/questions. Anyway, can someone help me with the following. I am looking to include a plugin via a module. One sticking point in my understanding of the module construction is the 'version' number. I can see and understand the way this is offered up in module 'info'. However, many of the plugins I come across have 2 digit revisions. I.e. 1.3.12 How do we handle this with the 3 digit total for version numbers. Should above be 1.3.1 giving 131 or 1.3.2 giving 132 This can lead to problems. Or am I completely wrong in my understanding.
  6. Just wanted to chime in here and clarify what I have found on the PHP Manual. Following the short discussion on PHP shorthands. I searched the manual and found the following: From PSR-1 (Basic coding standards) From PHP Manual So even after PHP 5.4 becomes the norm, only the short-echo tag should be used. Hope that clarifies the current situation (and probably explains Ryans preference). Please note, the manual also has this to say on use of tags in production code. Sorry if this is an old subject, and clarified somewere else. Just wanted to bring it to the attention of others, following my own confusion on this matter.
  7. Already done that one . Thanks.
  8. Guys, thanks very much for the very quick responses. I get now why there is no predefined way to organize things, and understanding that will help. I think the rest will come with time. Guess I am just not used to having this much control. You have all been very helpful. Thanks again.
  9. Another question/request around the subject of standards. As I go through my first week looking through PW coming straight from Drupal, I am finding it difficult to understand the structure of the file system/layout. One thing that throws me, and that I think could be helped easily, is the naming of files. i.e Looking through the blog profile that Ryan created, I am trying to grasp the structure, what comes first, what is pulled in and were is that used. I believe the adoption of a simple structure would make a significant difference along with a simple documentation page explaining the structure. So in the blog profile we have currently (for instance) templates/main.inc (markup for whole page) templates/blog.inc (functions to be used by markup) templates/post.php (functions) templates/posts.php (functions) templates/markup/post.php (markup) templates/markup/posts.php (markup) templates/widget-recent-posts.php (markup & functions) Just a few for example So while not impossible to understand I think a few simple changes could help new users grasp this easier. Something like this. Widgets in a widgets directory. As they are (or seem to me) standalone/reusable. Template function files could be distiguished with .tpl or .fnc for example "post.tpl.php" or "post.fnc.php" Markup files could be distinguished with .html for example "post.html.php" or something like that. I realise that markup is in a "markup" directory, but thats not always apparent while editing. I guess what I am trying to get to is that it's not immediatly apparent that a complete template consists of a functions file that creates data/variables for a markup file to output. Also maybe the includes files could be in a seperate directory "inc". I hope I am getting across my point, and not just showing my 'newbie' status. Possibly there is nothing wrong with current system, and I just need a documentation page explaining what goes were and why. Forgive me if this all exists and I just have not found/understood it yet.
  10. This is my first post to PW forum, hope it is a useful contribution. I agree 100% with @ceberlin (not sure how to quote other users here). Drupal code documentation is great and improving all the time, their coding standards are excellent. I think that adopting some standards from them could help a lot here. One thing in particular that bugs me is extra long lines of comments. Would it be difficult to adopt an 80 character limit as Drupal has? Also, a quick thanks to Ryan for his great work on an excellent system. I love the control, coupled with the freedom that PW gives me. Still a noob here, but loving every minute of the learning process.
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