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  1. Thank you for your answer and understanding! Yes, you´re right, it made me angry, because it´s totally against Processwire´s promise here https://processwire.com/about/why/ "The current CMS landscape and what’s wrong with it Still other products have APIs that introduce so many new types of tags, bits and scraps to learn, that we find ourselves in a template system that's trying to hide the underlying programming language from us–or worse–bypassing it completely. The perspective of ProcessWire is that PHP is the most familiar and powerful template engine we could ask for, so we enthusiastically embrace it.""
  2. thank you! I will try the Uikit Theme! It´s bad practice, it wasn´t mentioned, that the Blank site profile is using markup regions - would have saved me time to know this before!!
  3. thank you, guys! And where can I find proper basic-template, home-template and _main, that use normal php echo?
  4. I installed a blank site, unfortunately processwire is using markup regions, I don´t like that!! Why is it doing this? I want normal delayed output - with php!!! What is the easiest way to change this?
  5. How ist it possible to se the correct timezone in config.php? It works for me only with the native php date_default_timezone_set(): /** * Installer: Time zone setting * */ $config->timezone = 'UTC'; echo "<br>date:". date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time()); $config->timezone = 'Europe/Vienna'; echo "<br>date:". date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time()); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Vienna'); echo "<br>date:". date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time()); I´m getting this, the last line is correct date:05/24/2021 09:17:58 am date:05/24/2021 09:17:58 am date:05/24/2021 11:17:58 am //<- yes this is my time!
  6. Is it possible to use the oauth2 library from the league... with google calendar or other google services? Because I tried to use $service = $provider->getGoogleClient(); but the getGoogleClient() method is unknown... so I think this library is just for social login useful, isn´t it?
  7. I want show a fullcalendar in an inputfield... and send data via ajax back to the module (new event, move event, resize event...) catching the ajax call in the init method works... public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->config->ajax){ echo "<pre>ajax intercepted!!!"; print_r($_GET); print_r($_POST); exit(0); } } when I POST data via ajax back to the server comes this error: "This request was aborted because it appears to be forged". Maybe I can fix this when I give the POST variables proper names, with the inputfield name as prefix, because now the POST variables have just normal names like title, start or end... $.ajax( { url:'".$ajaxurl2.", type:'POST', data:{title:title, start:start, end:end, id:id}, }); using GET variables works... maybe I should just use them... or do you have an easier solution? $.ajax( { url:'".$ajaxurl2."&update=true&title='+title+'&start='+start+'&end='+end, // type:'POST', // data:{title:title, start:start, end:end, id:id}, ....
  8. Gadgetto thanks for your solution! ? Guys, I found what I was looking for: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9007-utility-to-help-generate-module-install-function/ it just uses normal processwire json export strings for fields and templates and seems for me to be the simpliest solution... I used it once somewhere in a module, it worked, but I forget where I had it.. ?
  9. Thanks, that´s nice what your example does, because I was looking for an example that uses pages like your module does... in the admin, too! ?
  10. Do you know a module that installs some new templates and fields - so I can take it as example? It should loop trough the templates/fields it has to install and checking their existence before it installs them and it would be nice, if they are deinstalled too, if they are not used. I had once an example, but I forget where ?
  11. so the full line is this with the %s as variable for the folder name # ProcessWire ProcessWire=composer create-project processwire/processwire %s --stability=dev
  12. ok, thanks elabx for the hint to look at this.. I compared the html output against a working datetime inputfield... the solution is, I have to set the class by hand... I tought it works automatically by setting $field>datepicker... but thats not true $field->attr("class", "FieldtypeDatetime InputfieldDatetimeDatepicker InputfieldDatetimeDatepicker1"); // I have to set the datepicker class by hand (1, 2 or 3) $field->datepicker = InputfieldDatetime::datepickerClick; // this is not needed, because it´s not working so... I have a working date/time picker now, by setting the right class like this
  13. For a custom fieldtype/inputfield that contains two datetime variables (start + end) I want use two datetime inputfields in the render method. Everything works, except the datepicker does not appear... does anybody know why? public function ___render() { $name = $this->attr('name'); $value = $this->attr('value'); //getting values for start and end $start = $value->data["start"]->toDateTimeString();; $end = $value->data["end"]->toDateTimeString(); //preparing inputfield $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldDatetime'); $field->set("label", __("Date")); $field->attr("class", "uk-form-width-medium "); $field->required = true; $field->datepicker = InputfieldDatetime::datepickerClick; $field->dateInputFormat = 'Y-m-d'; $field->timeInputFormat = 'H:i'; $field->timeInputSelect = 1; //setting first inputfield $field->attr("id+name",$name."_start"); $field->attr("value",$start); $renderedFieldStart = $field->render(); //setting second inputfield $field->attr("id+name",$name."_end"); $field->attr("value",$end); $renderedFieldEnd = $field->render(); $out = $renderedFieldStart.$renderedFieldEnd; return $out; }
  14. This is a small tutorial... If you want add another field to this fieldtype... first in FieldtypeEvents.module in getDatabaseSchema() add a line that suit your needs, so your new field gets stored to the database $schema['newValue'] = 'TINYTEXT NOT NULL'; try if you can install the module and add a field to a template and check if it works like before add the property to the constructor in Events.php $this->set('newValue', ""); then modify set() and get() so you can modify your new property... now try in your template,´if you can modify and output the new property foreach($page->events as $event){ $event->newValue = "hello new value"; echo "yes it works, we we welcome the new value: ". $event->newValue."<br>"; } if this works properly then go back to FieldtyeEvents.module: add this line in __wakeupValue() to the foreach loop $event->newValue = $v['newValue']; and in _sleepValue() 'newValue' => $event->newValue, in file InputfieldEvents.module in renderRow() method make sure, a $newValue variable gets gets sanitized from $newValue = $this->sanitizer->entities($event->newValue); change $out = " <tr class='Event$cnt $class'> <td><a href='#' class='EventClone'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-copy'></span></a></td> <td><input type='text' name='{$name}_date[]' value='$date' class='datepicker' /></td> <td><input type='text' name='{$name}_newValue[]' value='$_newValue' /></td> //add this line add your field in __render() <table class='InputfieldEvents'> <thead> <tr class=''> <th class='EventClone'>&nbsp;</th> <th class='EventDate'>Date</th> <th class='EventDate'>newValue</th> //I´ve chosen EventDate class because its narrow and in __processInput() $event->newValue = $input->{"{$name}_newValue"}[$cnt]; I hope I didn´t forget anything, good luck!
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