My first big project is going to be a website of a biking club.
They have about 300 members spread out over the last 40 years.
> I'm planning to use 'normal' users and groups, to assign the members to. The groups could indicate which years they were a member of the club
Each year they ride out 60 times. From one ride (custom template) i'm going to keep the 'length', some text, pictures, a gpx file and of course who was riding!
> Someone did this already? Accept gpx and output google map, elevation and speed graph? Pointers welcome ;-)
> Can I easily select the riders in a form (I know it's just a special 'page') but I would like to filter all users by 'this years membership' for making this as easy as possible.
Statistics is the main event of this site. Would it be possible given my ideas above to generate a graph for each rider (user) how many 'miles' they have ridden per year? How many rides per year? (this 'statspage' is in dutch).
How could I approach this and create a high performance query.
It would be an option to calculate the stats one time and save the results (instead of 'dynamically').
Can someone validate my idea and approach? With modules could i use? Any pitfalls?
EDIT: Every rider has a counter with how many 'miles' they have ridden in total, this can be calculated from all the rides. Is it possible to sort on that field?