I'm trying to add an additional field "Categories".
Created field "shopcats" in Admin> Setup> Fields.
Created 2 templates (shopcat.php and shopcats.php), similarity of templates (architect.php and architects.php).
In menu i created page "Categories of stores" with template shopcats.php.
And also created a category pages with template shopcat.php (Clothes, Furniture, Household appliances, ...).
In template "skyscraper" I added a field "shopcats".
As a result, displays only the category ID. How to display the category name?
How to add a search by category in a search engine?
* The following functions find and render skyscrapers and are defined here so that
* they can be used by multiple template files.
* Returns an array of valid skyscraper sort properties
* The keys for the array are the field names
* The values for the array are the printable labels
* @return array
function getValidSkyscraperSorts() {
return array(
// field => label
'images' => 'Images',
'title' => 'Title',
'parent' => 'City',
'shopcats' => 'Category',
'height' => 'Height',
'floors' => 'Floors',
'year' => 'Year',
* Find Skyscraper pages using criteria from the given selector string.
* Serves as a front-end to $pages->find(), filling in some of the redundant
* functionality used by multiple template files.
* @param string $selector
* @return PageArray
function findSkyscrapers($selector) {
$validSorts = getValidSkyscraperSorts();
// check if there is a valid 'sort' var in the GET variables
$sort = wire('sanitizer')->name(wire('input')->get->sort);
// if no valid sort, then use 'title' as a default
if(!$sort || !isset($validSorts[ltrim($sort, '-')])) $sort = 'title';
// whitelist the sort value so that it is retained in pagination
if($sort != 'title') wire('input')->whitelist('sort', $sort);
// expand on the provided selector to limit it to 10 sorted skyscrapers
$selector = "template=skyscraper, limit=10, " . trim($selector, ", ");
// check if there are any keyword searches in the selector by looking for the presence of
// ~= operator. if present, then omit the 'sort' param, since ProcessWire sorts by
// relevance when no sort specified.
if(strpos($selector, "~=") === false) $selector .= ", sort=$sort";
// now call upon ProcessWire to find the skyscrapers for us
$skyscrapers = wire('pages')->find($selector);
// save skyscrapers for possible display in a map
// set this runtime variable to the page so we can show the user what selector was used
// to find the skyscrapers. the renderSkyscraperList function looks for it.
wire('page')->set('skyscraper_selector', $selector);
return $skyscrapers;
* Serves as a place to store and retrieve loaded skyscrapers that will be displayed in a google map.
* To add skyscrapers, pass in a PageArray of them.
* To retrieve skyscreapers, pass in nothing and retrieve the returned value.
* @param null|PageArray $items Skyscraper pages to store
* @return PageArray All Skyscraper pages stored so far
function mapSkyscrapers($items = null) {
static $skyscrapers = null;
if(is_null($skyscrapers)) $skyscrapers = new PageArray();
if(!is_null($items) && $items instanceof PageArray) $skyscrapers->add($items);
return $skyscrapers;
* Render the <thead> portion of a Skyscraper list table
* @internal
function renderSkyscraperListHeader($showCity = true) {
// get the 'sort' property, if it's been used
$sort = wire('input')->whitelist('sort');
if(!$sort) $sort = 'title';
// query string that will be used to retain GET variables in table header sort links
$queryString = '';
// make a query string from variables that have been stuffed into $input->whitelist
// to use with the table header sort links
foreach(wire('input')->whitelist as $key => $value) {
if($key == 'sort') continue;
$queryString .= "&$key=" . urlencode($value);
$out = "\n\t<thead>\n\t<tr>";
// build the table header with sort links
foreach(getValidSkyscraperSorts() as $key => $value) {
// don't show a city header if we're already in a city
if($value == 'City' && !$showCity) continue;
// check if they want to reverse the sort
if($key == $sort) {
$key = "-$sort";
$value = "<strong>$value »</strong>";
} else if("-$key" == $sort) {
$key = ltrim($sort, '-');
$value = "<strong>$value «</strong>";
$out .= "<th><a href='./?sort=$key$queryString'>$value</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t</tr>\n\t</thead>";
return $out;
* Render a table/list of the given $skyscrapers
* @param PageArray $skyscrapers Skyscrapers to render
* @param bool $showHeader Should the <thead> with sort links be displayed? default=true
* @return string The rendered markup
function renderSkyscraperList(PageArray $skyscrapers, $showHeader = true) {
if(!count($skyscrapers)) return "<h3>No skyscrapers found.</h3>";
// we don't show the city if they are already on a city page
$showCity = wire('page')->template != 'city';
// get the markup for any pagination links
// note: these are provided by the MarkupPagerNav and MarkupPageArray modules,
// modules that are already installed by default.
$pagerLinks = $showHeader ? $skyscrapers->renderPager() : '';
$out = $pagerLinks . "\n<table class='list_skyscrapers'>";
if($showHeader) $out .= renderSkyscraperListHeader($showCity);
$out .= "\n\t<tbody>";
// build the table body
foreach($skyscrapers as $skyscraper) {
$out .= renderSkyscraperItem($skyscraper, $showCity);
$out .= "\n\t</tbody>" .
"\n</table>" . $pagerLinks;
// if we stuffed a variable called skyscraper_selector into the page,
// tell them what the selector was, for demonstration purposes
$selector = wire('page')->skyscraper_selector;
if($selector) {
$out .= "\n\n<p class='selector_note'>The selector used to find the pages shown above is:<br />" .
"<code>" . makePrettySelector($selector) . "</code></p>\n";
return $out;
* Generate the markup for a single skyscraper item in a skyscraper list
* This is primarily used by the render() method.
* @param Page $skyscraper The Skyscraper to render
* @param bool $showCity Should the city name be shown?
* @return string
function renderSkyscraperItem(Page $skyscraper, $showCity = true) {
// we keep track of the number of items we've already rendered
// so that we can alternate placeholder images from row to row
static $cnt = 0;
// make a thumbnail if the first skyscraper image
if(count($skyscraper->images)) {
// our thumbnail is 100px wide with proportional height
$thumb = $skyscraper->images->first()->width(100);
$img = "<img src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$skyscraper->title} photo' />";
} else {
// skyscraper has no images, so we'll show a placeholder instead
$class = 'placeholder';
if($cnt % 2 == 0) $class .= " placeholder2"; // for alternate version of placeholder image
$img = "<span class='$class'>Image Not Available</span>";
// make a truncated version of the bodycopy with max 500 characters
if($skyscraper->body) {
$summary = strip_tags($skyscraper->body);
if(strlen($summary) > 500) {
$summary = substr($summary, 0, 500); // display no more than 500 chars
$summary = substr($summary, 0, strrpos($summary, ". ")+1); // and truncate to last sentence
$summary = trim($summary);
} else $summary = '';
// what we show when a field is blank
$na = "<span class='na'>N/A</span>";
// start a table row for the output markup
$out = "\n\t<tr class='skyscraper_details'>" .
"\n\t\t<td rowspan='2' class='skyscraper_image'><a href='{$skyscraper->url}'>$img</a></td>" .
"\n\t\t<td><a href='{$skyscraper->url}'>{$skyscraper->title}</a></td>";
if($showCity) {
// display the city's abbreviation, or title if there is no abbreviation
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>" . $skyscraper->parent->get("abbreviation|title") . "</td>" .
"\n\t\t<td>" . $skyscraper->get("abbreviation|shopcats") . "</td>" ;
// finish the table row of output markup
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>" . ($skyscraper->height ? number_format($skyscraper->height) . " ft." : $na) . "</td>" .
"\n\t\t<td>" . ($skyscraper->floors ? $skyscraper->floors : $na) . "</td>" .
"\n\t\t<td>" . ($skyscraper->year ? $skyscraper->year : $na) . "</td>" .
"\n\t</tr>" .
"\n\t<tr class='skyscraper_summary'>" .
"\n\t\t<td colspan='6'><p>$summary</p></td>" .
return $out;
* Make the selector better for display readability
* Since we're displaying the selector to screen for demonstration purposes, this method optimizes the
* selector is the most readable fashion and removes any parts that aren't necessary
* This is not something you would bother with on a site that wasn't demonstrating a CMS.
* @param string $selector
* @return string
function makePrettySelector($selector) {
if(preg_match('/(architects|parent)=(\d+)/', $selector, $matches)) {
if($page = wire('pages')->get($matches[2]))
$selector = str_replace($matches[0], "$matches[1]={$page->path}", $selector);
if($matches[1] == 'parent') $selector = str_replace("template=skyscraper, ", "", $selector); // template not necessary here
return $selector;