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Everything posted by topada

  1. I need your advice! I recently launched my fathers site http://www.skulptour.eu which has a booking form on this page http://www.skulptour.eu/will-kommen/buchung/ The form is validated with the jQuery Validation Plugin and fires an ajax call for the booking-form-process.php (which sends the an notification e-mail to my dad) inside the submit handler of the plugin. Here is the code to demonstrate the structure /* * * contact-form.js * */ $(document).ready(function(){ //form var booking_form = $('#booking-form'); var booking_form_success = $("#booking-form-success"); //add workshop validation rule jQuery.validator.addMethod( "isworkshop", function(value, element) { return /^(W(O|E)|S)\s?\-?14\s?\-?\d{2}\s*?$/i.test(value); }, "Geben Sie eine Workshop-Kennnung ein. Beispiel: WO-1420 oder S-1421" ); //validate form booking_form.validate( { rules: { / .... / }, messages: { / .... / } }, highlight: function(element) { $(element).closest('.control-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error'); }, success: function(element) { $(element).closest('.control-group').removeClass('has-error').addClass('has-success'); $(element).closest('.error').remove(); }, submitHandler: function() { console.log("submitHandler: call ajax"); $.ajax({ url:'/site/mail/booking-form-process.php', data: booking_form.serialize(), type:'POST', success:function(booking_form) { console.log("submit Handler: ajax: sucess"); $("#booking-form").hide(); $("#booking-form-success").fadeIn(500,1); }, error:function(data) { $("#error").show().fadeOut(5000); } }); // ajax } // submitHandler }); // validate (jQuery Plugin) }); //doc ready Now i'd like to add a custom google analytics event tracker, which fires only if the ajax call is successfully executed. i already tried to add the following lines right after submitHandler: function () { //google analytics event console.log("submitHandler: google analytics call event"); ga('send', 'event', 'buchung', 'click', 'workshoptyp', 1); but it won't work. unfortunately i've no experience with the google analytics events yet and i updated my Analytics Account to use the new Universal.js, which itself is implemented properly. Do you guys have any ideas, how to solve this? Pseudocode: Booking Form > Validation w/ Errors > Ajax Call (Some php) > Ajax Call Successful > Fire Google Analytics Tracker Thanks in advance! - topada
  2. @adrian: Thank you! that worked like a charme! i thought there must be an easier way than to add a date field to every single page next time i'll come up with a more complex question
  3. Hi everyone, i just started working with processWire recently. It's an awesome and very powerful cms. I'm currently working on my father's site: relaunch.skulptour.eu for which i used ryan's basic blog profile and adapted it to my needs. Yet it's all developing quite well and fast. today i though i'd like to have a small info paragraph at the very bottom of the footer - something like "last updated 14. January 2014". i know that i can set date fields, just like in the blog posts, but isn't there a smarter way? maybe there are some PW internal functions i can call? i'd appreciate to hear some of your ideas! -- topada
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