Hi There,
Is it possible to get the child image path?
Now it only output the image file name but not the path to the image it self.
<div id="portfolio-content" class="sort fourcol"> <?php foreach($page->children as $child) echo " <div class=''> <div class='port-item-container'> <div class='port-box'> <div class='zoom-holder'> <img src='{$child->overviewimg}'> <a href='{$child->overviewimgbig}' class='fancybox' title='Title'> <div class='zoom'> <div class='zoom-inner'></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class='port-item-title'> <h6><a rel='bookmark' title='{$child->title}' href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></h6> <span>{$child->overviewtxt} <a href='{$child->url}'> More info. »</a></span> </div> </div> </div> "; ?> </div>