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  1. Got it... getting late here Thanks for all the help!
  2. I tried that and also: $child->overviewimgbig->eq(0)->getThumb('thumbnail')->url But it give Error: Call to a member function eq() on a non-object I watched the video very nice and easy way to get a portfolio up and running
  3. Just installed the Thumbnails Module anybody familiar with the module? I would like the use the thumb instead of the normal image . Can this code some how be used to get the child image thumb path? $page->cropImages->eq(0)->getThumb('thumbnail'); Something like: {$child->overviewimgbig->cropImages->eq(0)->getThumb('thumbnail')->url} Thanks, Xpn
  4. Thanks for the link Kongonda!
  5. I really like the way Processwire is working... comming from MODx, getting to complex. Will look through the cheatsheet Thanks!
  6. Thanks Adrian, I'm going to try out right now Cheers, Xpn Wow... that simple, Thanks!
  7. Hi There, Is it possible to get the child image path? Now it only output the image file name but not the path to the image it self. Thanks, Xpn <div id="portfolio-content" class="sort fourcol"> <?php foreach($page->children as $child) echo " <div class=''> <div class='port-item-container'> <div class='port-box'> <div class='zoom-holder'> <img src='{$child->overviewimg}'> <a href='{$child->overviewimgbig}' class='fancybox' title='Title'> <div class='zoom'> <div class='zoom-inner'></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class='port-item-title'> <h6><a rel='bookmark' title='{$child->title}' href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></h6> <span>{$child->overviewtxt} <a href='{$child->url}'> More info. »</a></span> </div> </div> </div> "; ?> </div>
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